Jerry of Garcia

I do like the soviet blue cockpits

The raptor flew the show straight in? Pretty impressive show after being in the cockpit for four hours

That’s awesome you got to go in the cockpit climb the ladder. Did they have covers over some the electronics?

Oops the nuclear bomb laden skyraider

I thought the 35s would fly...

The F-15 is not fly by wire or relaxed stability. The F-16 was first and the F-18 was even more unstable.

How was the show

F-16 has had forty years to work out the kinks and develop best practices. F-35 first flew in 2006... it will be lower soon.

Umm... what equipment could double the price?

The whole grey thing is annoying, there should be someway black commenters can nominate people to be black as well. Keep posting and I’ll turn your comments black as soon as I see them.

Love the A9A even though it’s not as good or pretty as the A-10A

Umm... the confederacy was decimated...

Yeah what happened..l you weren’t grey before we’re you?

More expensive than F-35 and far less capable

I’d take a Bearcat or better yet an f7f

For light attack planes you make a good point, for real fighters like F-35 no one is going to spend billions of dollars of their own in the hopes we may buy some, at some point, for 1 percent over cost.

Problem with F-20A is similar to the Gripen... not cheaper than the F-16 and yet far less capable.

Expensive, more than F-35 in 2019 or F-16/18 now... with less payload/range/ability.