Shame is what keeps civilization strong, we can’t have laws for all types of potential problems but shame and public disapproval has in the past helped ensure polite society
Shame is what keeps civilization strong, we can’t have laws for all types of potential problems but shame and public disapproval has in the past helped ensure polite society
Well we got the stupidly named Ford class, an unelected president/Vice President.
It’s also unlikely that the penthouse windows can be made bulletprooof at any cost, unless they build a bullet proff glass room inside of the whole disgusting gold on gold monstrosity. His office is also in the middle of the tRUMP tower so it will be a shitshow... and we will have to rent to from him at least a few…
Luckily Truman and Bess were just about the most boring first family ever... it’s not like they wanted to stay up late and party with some jackass from some rag tag nation.
There is no chance that the Secret Service will allow him to fly on his ancient Boeing 757... its one of the highest hour/oldest in operation. It doesn’t have enough room or range for big trips as Air Force One has to land with enough fuel to fly to an alternate airfield in an ermegency. They rarely take on gas at a…
Korea should spend more but there Air Force is actually pretty good, 42 F-15K, numerous F-16s and F-35A on order,
This is expert level kinja...
No you just don’t pay it... we’re talking about poor and or desperate people here that aren’t concerned about credit ratings... the number one cause of bankruptcy, besides being orange, is medical bills. The hospitals won’t do anything but add that cost into everyone else insurances costs. Another argument in favor of…
Unless a translation error it would seem she ejected during a demonstration flight and hit one of the surrounding planes. I’m not sure how she could have gone from inflight to ejection without the other planes being able to pull back, unless massive structural failure. Or the planes actually hit each other first or…
I’m a fan of unions but I believe you are holding against him hie earlier actions and ignoring the massive change he made. He did a lot for the farm workers union.
Hoffa was a crook that gave unions a bad name. I’m a big supporter of unions but it was the right that finished them off.