Jerry of Garcia

Awesome I actually LOLed. Here are some cool pictures... For anyone missing the FA plane Porn of old

Thanks for the kind words, follow the blog if you want. I think it's around 120 posts

Thanks I hope you enjoy the posts and you are encouraged to contribute or share it with people who may be interested.

Thanks I though you meant per year, you're correct.

Nicely done, I watched that video already and to run into the videographer is pretty neat, of all the negatives about the Internet it’s moments like these that are awesome.

Uh... We give them between four and six billion a year not forty. The Israelis are actually very excited to get the 35, near universal agreement that it will be a game hanger for the IDF.

Come by and check out my blog, I'm trying to keep the comment section intact. Several people have written posts.

No ejection seat in history has been certified for pilots below 136 pounds, this is what’s called feature creep. The seat fix has been designed has passed every test so far, it should be integrated starting in winter of 2016.

It was something I used to do on FA posts in the past, some liked it some not but it was a part of the commenter culture of FA. I did go overboard with the volume of links, sorry all

Nothing, though kinja was created for sharing and I thought people might like to see some planes. Oh and here’s a Greek Mirage 2000 that went for a swim, it was later returned to service.

I just decided to post some links to my blog for people who miss Tyler, sorry to bring you into this.

All US Army helicopters are named after Native American tribes. The tribes are all consulted and in the past they have actually lobbied to have their name used. Helicopters were originally called the Air Cavalry and these names are meant to honor great warriors and leaders.

What about a bomb to take out the motorcycle cops?

Less than a hundred million right now, why let facts get in the way...