Jerry of Garcia

I wasn't trying to be a jerk I just didn't like your attitude with sweeper, we all have different experiences and different opinions.

Just edited now... Hey that’s one of the better posts I’ve seen around here in a long time.

Great response one correction... A/C can carry 2*2500 pound class weapons internal plus 700 pounds of amraams. The B is limited to 2*1200 class weapons.

I doubt you could sustain an in depth conversation about the A-10 or its real world uses with myself or sweeper.

Yes you can and since the gunpod was designed with the plane it is still very accurate. The 25mm cannon, it's mount in the plane, computer fire when on target, and fused explosive rounds will be quite capable.

Yes you can and since the gunpod was designed with the plane it is still very accurate. The 25mm cannon, it's mount in the plane, computer fire when on target, and fused explosive rounds will be quite capable.

A-10 did about 15% of cas in the sand wars, post 2006 85% of its strikes were from 10,000 feet or above. It only used the gun in 10% of attacks.

Xb-70 flew for less than two hours at its design speed on 10 total flights. The Avro Arrow flew less than 75 hours total. 160+ F-35s have flown more than 60,000 hours.

Your picture didn't to upload so I’m unaware of your intent.

I always find it amusing when people don’t want to go through the airport scanners yet get orders of magnitude more radiation in flight do to reduced atmospheric protection. Flying is one of the top radiation sources for above background exposure... And yet is in effect nearly harmless.

Medical radioactive components for research and cancer treatment are extremely radioactive and will kill people who handle it. X-ray sources to a lesser degree and it would be hard to procure a large amount.

Hopefully way less... My friend makes 19,600 dollars a year and he's 24.

A friend of mine is 24 and slightly stupid he flys regionals for a Big Brand carrier...

You will almost never totally die

FYI... Korea was a forced colony of imperial Japan and as such of course had no independent military in 1945. Also Korea follows literally nothing postwar Japan does... They’re still kind of.pissed...

Let’s start with air forces which are my area of expertise...

Germany, Japan, Korea, Italy had no real military for years until retrained by the US. It’s a good point though... Those were real secular capitalist countries...

More memes

They were not but soviet air defenses had made a quantum leap from 1967, in 1973 Israel lost half their Air Force in two weeks and needed us to rush then new equipment. The USAF realized that low and slow leads to disposable planes in a real war. The head of the Air Force is an A-10 pilot.