Maybe though it’s being bought by over ten contrives so it can’t be all bad...…
Maybe though it’s being bought by over ten contrives so it can’t be all bad...…
Besides the simplicity of designing a gun versus a state of the art plane and carrier most guns using a new round would require testing. The mag, barrel, slide, and cartridge etc. will likely need to be adjusted/redesigned to function well.
Yeah but your soup set a new standard in APC based food...
Two wings, landing gear, canopies, one engine two versions, as cousins is not nothing...
As with much received wisdom this is somewhat accurate... The lift fan system is very elegant... In a stealth plane you need the engine buried in the plane... The width of the engine and its internal mounts is equal to the lift fan diameter, short driveshaft, carbon clutches... A slight reduction in weapons bay…
35B has similar range, speed, and endurance as Rafale and SH when loaded. Catapults are definitely better but the B trounces harrier, Phantom, legacy hornet, Russo/Chinese carrier planes, etc.
Good choice Dogs like to swim and go on boats = Navy = Douglas = Heinemann.
QE class is indeed a dilemma 35C is clearly more capable but 35B is still the best RN fighter to date. Building and affording two carriers to my eye is worth the reduced abilities versus one Catapult ship. Training, equipment, and practicing trapping on the ship are much more expensive. 35C will also wear out faster…
Yep... It’s not like designing three supersonic, stealth, sensor fused, weapons bay enabled, cutting edge fighters that fly on the edge of control is hard or something.
The Bradley strangely turned out to be a prescient design, ignore the great movie, every major APC has been a near copy. The gun, capacity, and protection set a new standard.
They could be retrofitted but at outrageous cost... At this point the B model might as well stand for Brit.
I have never seen a plane go full erection before... You never go full erection... Is Putin Shirtless again? How drunk is the pilot?
Turns ought they only pay concurrently
Yep that’s what the cool kids call it... It is so much easier to hate unknowingly if you use that silly name... Lockheed reminds people of excellence in engineering and innovation all through the Cold War...
Dude... You’re right why can’t it just slaughter a f-16 who isn’t dogfighting with it...
It’s unbelievable that the first ship in a two ship Class of major warships is not exactly perfect as it leaves the dock.
If your talking about the casinos/other property we corruptly acquired then I have little sympathy for those losses. We were not some Angels but rather guests of Bautista and his cronies. As far as thousands dead I think that was also quite a long time ago and again Bautista was an asshat himself.
True although Islam as practiced in Arabia is a cause of economic problems not a solution.
It’s a way to create in/out group violence and animus towards fellow humans.