Jerry of Garcia

The Muslims during the crusades were in a war of conquest and were at best equal to the crusaders in violence.

At this point in time western religion have largely given up barbarism...

Since only 22 were completed by the time the Japanese decided to stop having us firebomb there cities and that they were transports... Your post comes off as less then convincing.

Seeing as how only 22 had been produced by the time the Japanese surrendered and that it was a transport your post is strangely unconvincing.

You seem to not understand that Russia has never had any embargo and has been free to do whatever deals you speak of... since 1959. I mean this isn't even good trolling.

The replacement there working on will be an SUV.

Also the last thing Russia needs is more oil on the international markets... They already have cheap land based oil.

I’m not sure you know what your talking about... Russia has been their prime benfactor/part owner/enabler for 55 years. Yet somehow he was going to make some Cuban power move at this late date.

Everything you just said makes me sad for your quite distorted world view. Just know that what you’re saying is not what any reasonable evidence based observer would conclude.

55 years later maybe you can move on from your dad not getting attacked. My grandfather actually fought nazis should we still hate Germany?

Why at this late date is it our business what government they have... There hardly a threat to us.

The reverses are pretty cool as well... Above is a compressor stall

Some Russian cargo lifters actually do have a plywood floor, not just temporary like seen here.

People are worried that Hulk Hogan lawsuit verdict will force gawker to shut down.

They jump

Nope... This is just practice and maybe if they can’t land due to weather.