Jerry of Garcia

Camo a-7 but there all AZ not LV... More camo planes to find.

It would look sweet though.

They are protecting the privacy of Americans who own these phones. Tim Cook is right when he says that software to allow this is to dangerous to exist, it won’t be contained and this will lead to countries all over the world wanting their own back doors.

The good news is Apple can’t stop the 80ms wait time, so even if they disable the auto delete the government is screwed anyway.

It's you that's rotting... Maybe your just not built for this century.

The soviets have never given the bomb to anyone, ever! Not Iran, China, eygpt, NK, etc.

How has the country been destroyed? The economy’s better than even mitt bragged about, oil Imports are down, clean energy is ascendant, there has been no large attack in the US, more people have healthcare, gun nuts have even more rights than ever, no new land wars, no Iranian nukes, etc.

1966, 66, 65

It's 29 inches to long and is wider at the intake so f135 won't fit.

No euro country wanted it, only Japan could Possibly afford it, there f-15a/j haven’t been upgraded in over 20 years. The raptor is restricted mainly because the computer system has no security features at all. The 22 maintenance time and costs are very steep this has been corrected with the 35. Israel, Japan, Norway,

It's worse than that they can't even make the shitty Russian engines work right.

If it’s in range they could launch 10 shells at different angles and have them all hit at the same time from different angles.

As you guys can tell I hate modern gray on gray low visibility markings. The Navy had some great squadron colors now even their CAG/colored tails/planes are toned down. I’ve still got the aggressors though they got rid of there f-15s which is a bummer.

Pictures of planes on Navy ships...

You’ve been teasing about not love our beloved 35. Just daring me to do it....

Love me some new paint scheme see above.

What do you guys think of the newish Have Glass 5 Lockheed paint job. It’s the new gen RAM paint being rolled out. It started with the f-16cj now f-16cm wild weasel. It’s supposed to be the same paint as the 35 though is looks like a different color but this is due to underlying matriels most likely. They also get the

It’s sure was pretty when the brass let them dress up a bit.