Because of the tracks the psi on the ground is less than a hummer.
If you don’t control your country like Assad who no longer has a Monopoly on Violence in Syria which means that he is not the legitmate leader and Syria is not a protected state since it is in chaos.
The pilot holds onto the canopy handle and just waits for the plane to be airborne before taking control.
You’re furtada name and America mocking comments are so clever! Thanks!
LM makers of the f-16, 22, 35, and likely six gen f-xx.
Problem is Northrop just won the b-3 contract that will run till 2045 so they are well booked. T-x is possible but f-xx is unlikely. There uav and avionics work has allowed them to succeed, add b-3 and they are good.
The Sr-71 stealth features were diminished by the fact that the heating of the winds aloft by the plane caused a large radar signal so... The Russians have already detected wind.
The engine would be where the bomb bay is... They didn’t even get the down select for the jsf. Also the DOD was not happy with them about b-2 problems. Northrop hasn’t made a fighter in 30 years though they’ve got a good shot at the t-x program but they got b-3 so there probably out of that.. The most likely six gen…