Jerry Harding

“But it’s literally just a couple bolts; we’ll be done in like, 10 minutes,”

— and this, is how you anger the Gods.

I like the GTI, but this example is worrying.

You must be new here.

“We don’t need another (race) in the market to cause people to make choices and decisions.”

All Camrys are matching Camrys.

I don’t doubt (or have a problem with) their actual road-testing methodologies, but many people (myself included) have issues w/ their reliability ratings system.

Meh...If I want to buy a toaster, I’ll read CR. Not influenced in any way by their weird rating systems and heresey from surveys from morons about cars.

I hate that chicane before the start/finish line.

Enlighten me as to why you need a particularly large amount of torque for POWER generation?

I trust the Mazda engineers more than I trust you on this subject.

Putting windshield wiper controls in a freaking menu that you have to poke around for on a touchscreen while you are driving in the rain is a perfect example of how Tesla is a techbro company first, car company second.

Our path ahead is lit by the burned bridges behind us

It’s not a problem when the structural sub-frame of the car is designed for the roof skin to not be a structural component. A carbon fiber, glued on roof isn’t a problem if it’s intended.

If the repair manual states its welded, then you better bet there is a DAMN good reason its welded.

One really simple example of the whole shear stabilizing panels concept are the chintzy looking cardboard.fiberboard panels they include in furniture kits (typically for covering the majority of the back panel on a dresser). Without this panel installed the entire structure is weak and unstable, with the panel

Less rigid targa top- check

What should have been an awesome race has now been mickey-moused into lameness. Not one but TWO chicanes, and the added loop on the infield breaks up what little flow the track had before. Instead of being a challenge for the Cup drivers to really let them show their talent, it’s going to be a lame point-and-squirt

I’m sure it’ll debut on the 2020 Mazda Cocktease with the LOL liter Trollactiv engine.

His entire bio on the site is as follows:

Alanis, don’t take it personally. We all say things we don’t mean when we’re waiting in a service department for hours on end. Their frustration will inevitably lessen once they trade it in for something else.