Lt Dan's Legs

Match three of the same color Rupees...

Go figure releasing good and entertaining games results in good sales. Also “Final Fantasy XV Sucks” comments in 3...2...1...

Eh, they can do it if they try.

Yes Nintendo, you know what you need to do. Release a joycon with a real damned Dpad. All these Neo Geo games and possibly some great 16-bit classics on the way and the worst possible dpad sans the 360 is the one you go with. :|

If Nintendo released an official purple and grey SNES Switch that looked as good as this, that would be the Switch I would buy. A Super Famicom one would be nice too, but that’s not the SNES I grew up with.

Yeah, I’ve actually changed the headline from ‘Downsized’ to ‘Scaled Down’ to make it clear that people were moved, not laid off.

You know with those 2 color schemes, I can’t think of anything else: “Is it black and blue or white and gold?” (this can’t be a coincidence!)

You didn’t answer the 2 most important questions!

Where are the speakers and does the volume level go higher than the NN3DS?

The guy is in western NY, so he’s more focused on the ensuring those federal teet sucking commies in the east get their comeuppance.

You know as well as I do that isn’t true. Several of these “people” represent districts that have actively voted against their own interests for years. This won’t change a god damned thing.

The shear audacity of this, and to celebrate after, is fucking disgusting.

I’d like my opposition party to be more concerned about the lives of their constituents than their electoral chances, but that’s just me.

I don’t know, I feel like we keep saying that about various Republicans and it keeps not being true.

This is some serious dedication...

Instagram has turned into a giant spam factory of amateur fitness models selling “fit” tea and losers posting pictures of their shitty food. I’m going back to myspace. 

What exactly went “haywire” here? From the looks of it, lifting and reposting content is working out pretty well for Telebe and his ilk.

It’s a problem for literally all of us, even those of us who traditionally produce family friendly content, ad revenue has just full on plummeted across the board. It’s the first time since I went full time a few years ago that I’ve started to struggle a little bit. Sure it’s worse for people with more mature content

This is a godsend to those of us who slack off sometimes at work but don’t have sound. I noticed Heather doing this in a couple of the videos she did and I think it’s a great way to broaden the audience-- especially in the comments— because it opens up readers/participants you wouldn’t have otherwise.

Thanks for transcribing this! I enjoy reading articles about this kind of stuff, but rarely have time to listen to entire audio interviews. I’ve noticed a lot of websites sometimes include interesting info in audio clips that unfortunately I will never hear.

Jason and I have been talking about doing more posts like this, transcribing interesting segments from the show and putting them on the site. Not something we’ll always have time for, of course. But it seems like it’d be a cool way to highlight some of the things we talk about, since we cover a lot of ground each

This is magnificent. A perfect unique microcosm.