Meh. Give me pure fantasy porn please. I’m not really feeling it with these uncanny valley ones.
Meh. Give me pure fantasy porn please. I’m not really feeling it with these uncanny valley ones.
Can I get this on a billboard? Please?
OH FFS! Speaking AS a female gamer, I couldn't give a shit if they add a female party member. I'm not in the pretty-boy fem-fanservice demographic either. I just want the main party to feel like real people with a bit of freaking personality. Who honestly, REALLY cares about whether or not there's a playable female?
Agree with you but diversity for diversity's sake is not sincere it is just pandering.
Pretty sure a all girl final fantasy already exist.
Well, there's a certain charm with shows that does dial it up to 11 though. May as well get crazy with the motif if they really want to pursue it. And this is a studio that does far more erotic content than most anime studios. So I'm sure this isn't the kind of show meant to lure in people who like only soft…
Funnier part being "game developer"
I'm with you my friend, the problem with these arguments is that while both sides are fighting for their preference, one side sees their side as morally right and the other is fighting to defend what they enjoy.
I guess this makes enough sense. I would've probably gone for hiring private security, but whatever.
The only part I don't like is that they're playing it up like it's PAX's fault. It's not up to PAX to provide extra security in this situation. They have their security in place already. If Giant Spacekat doesn't think that's enough, then that's their decision to make, but don't pretend PAX has some obligation to…
No. Just no. As a black person, I find it demeaning that black people have to take on super heroes that are already established. And Miles Morales? It comes off as just an attempt to cram as much diversity in there as you can. This kid doesn't have the history or personality that we want to see on the big screen.…
Max isn't a stereotypical outcast teenager; she's a rather quiet, intelligent girl, just trying to get by. Also, she can rewind time at will.
We had our disagreements on a lot of issues before but I do agree with you here.
There is literally nothing wrong with 'hetero male fantasies'. And there's no connection between a fantasy depiction and 'real life attitudes'. That connection is tenuous at best. And it's just used as a gotcha moment to shame people if people can enjoy it safely. Also, casual sexual relationships are perfectly fine.…
They only do it for clicks.
boobs ! I feel so offended right now!
you are correct ogre. ..everyone wants a tailor made movie or book or in this case a comic...parents bitch about violent cartoons meant for teens and older...glbt folks want more homosexuality in movies where it isn't needed... Black characters must substitute originally white characters.. It just can't always be done…
so you're complaining about an element of a video game... being gamified?