
I would also like to remind everyone that NSFW stuff comprises a good chunk of Patreon’s fiances. If they bite the hands that feeds them, those folks will go elsewhere, and by default, cut drastically into Patreon’s cut.

Mauer has also attracted a great deal of harassment, as various internet forums detail her every move and send nasty messages her way.

How to Deal with Manspreaders

Yeah, right...

Small penises are the lone subjects of still acceptable body shame. Reminder, boys and young men, no matter what you do in your life, your sexual (and societal) value will always be inextricably linked to a part of your body few see but is constantly judged.

It just feels so weak and poorly thought out.

I empathize with the spirit of the article but some small voice in my head parroted the title back as, “someone, somewhere on the internet said something” and I cringed. There is never any shortage of people looking to be outraged about something... and this is pretty low hanging fruit.

Sexual objectification of women in comics == evil incarnate

If you mean “it’s anecdotal until someone shows data”, then yes, you are absolutely correct. That’s the point of the word ‘anecdotal’.

I thought Gamergate was dead. I guess they get periodically revived whenever the gaming press decides they need a boogeyman.

I don’t really see how that’s contradictory. Very few games are meant to simulate real life, but almost all of them are BASED on it. You need a point of reference, regardless.

you know the funny thing about life is sometimes you end up with a sausage fest for a party. not every game needs to have a 1:1 ratio of important male and female characters. i wont argue with your other points since i haven’t actually played the demo aside from saying it WAS just a demo. but how long are we going to

Believe it or not...some woman in real life has massive ridiculous boobs!

But this is the internet! We have already grabbed our pitchforks.

Plot armor is absolutely doing a disservice to Iron Man and every other comic in the Marvel and DC Universe. Stating that certain characters should have added protection due too their race isn’t helping that, though.

Or, it’s the fact that most stories adhere to the Monomyth:

If it wasn’t for double standards, sites like Kotaku would have no standards at all. Except they call it journalistic integrity.

Why apologize? an ass is an ass.

Oh wait, youre right, we do have to apologize to the overly sensitive SJW crybaby crowd.

I think his character is fairly consistent in that respect. Tony tries to help humanity with weaponized brilliance, oversteps because of his ego, then feels shitty and tries to compensate. Usually OVERcompensating. Which usually restarts the cycle. It doesn’t feel as 180 to me.