Yeah, like — most of what Mags does is ostensibly to free his people from FUCKING GOVERNMENTS THAT HAVE CREATED LITERAL DEATH MACHINES WHOSE ONLY PURPOSE IS TO KILL HIS KIND.
Yeah, like — most of what Mags does is ostensibly to free his people from FUCKING GOVERNMENTS THAT HAVE CREATED LITERAL DEATH MACHINES WHOSE ONLY PURPOSE IS TO KILL HIS KIND.
the fact that no one can tell you guys are joking is sad...
"Mostly because I pretty firmly believe that sexualization can only occur in the mind of the observer."
I'd love to see male sexualization match female sexualization where appropriate. That said, it wouldn't be very realistic to have nearly any visible male hookers. Hookers are generally picked up by males for the most part, and with only 10% of males being gay, and how easy it is for men to find other men to have sex…
Some more gold.
So I feel like I've been pretty consistent in not attributing the actions of a few to the entire group. Earlier I've refereed to gg moderates and gg bad actors, and my question is why don't the moderates leave behind all the negativity of being associated with the bad actors. And I think gg is a group of people acting…
Oh yay, it's today's mandatory article about men being assholes in every form of media and women being victims in everything.
It's not entitlement at all. Sarkeesian represents modern progressives' collective delusion that consensus equals truth.
I find the majority of sarkeesians arguments to be poorly grounded and trite, however in no way does that justify the acts of the people attacking her
And you do realize that real full-contact female MMA fighters wear very similar clothes in very real fights....does that make them any less "strong"? Its real styled sports wear and was designed/created by a woman.
Who cares? If you think that the lesson of 9/11 is that we should turn the date into a tragedy-porn taboo, then you're the one with the problem.
Maybe, just maybe telling those guys they are fat dumb losers who will never interact with a girl all the years of them growing up as a nerd would have made them more accepting of others entering their community.
On the flipside, I don't call myself a feminist. I never will. And I do use the term "feminazi". Why? Because I have had strangers scream at me on the street for "setting back to women's movement" by wearing a skirt. Or working as a waitress. Or choosing to be a homemaker.
BUT BUT BUTBUTBUT! IF scientifically its a fact that men and women are different and perhaps even have different thought process which allow them to arrive at similar conclusions except in some cases where those differences make for larger exceptions, then men could use that as an excuse to treat women differently! So…
The problem with said people is that the qualities that they're basing their equality on are limited and limiting. In these circumstances, nobody talks about how women are generally better in social circumstances than men, that they're generally more understanding and patient, how they're better at "outside-the-box"…
If I remember correctly, Tevinter is basically fantasy-American South. And Dorian is from Tevinter.
Gaider has the unenviable task of writing for an audience that is largely comprised of the most thankless, ungrateful, nitpicking shits in existence.
The Grey Knights form the chamber militant of the Ordo Malleus. Grand Masters are all members of the Inner Conclave of the Inquisition. They don't have an affiliation with it so much as they are an integral part of it. It isn't a stretch at all for a movie about the Inquisition to include them. Especially if any…
And while these are technically optional behaviors players don't have to indulge in, Sarkeesian argues that it's not a simple matter of allowing players who are offended by the material "opt out" of it, in a manner of speaking.