
Says the person who is copping attitude at something that wasn’t directed at them. It’s like Textbook Feminism. Maybe leaving leaving us the fuck alone while we’re not involved with you?

Women can stand, too, bruh. Dat’s equality.

Jean Luc isn’t Lawful Good. For starters, he’s violated the Prime Directive, which is the overarching law that he is, as a person of authority and with power, is supposed to abide by. That’s sorta what the lawful portion means. I can’t say shit about Mercy, because Overwatch is pretty shallow, so probably, but it

And, yet again, proving you don’t anything to say, and nothing to back it up. If you think working in health administration is LESS strict than working in business, you are fucking mental. And IN FACT, the above article is specifically about interacting with the GOVERNMENT. And, frankly, I’d rather be a dick on the

Oh, so you can’t refute the fact that women’s hair styles are, on average, more complex and require more care than men’s, thus a haircut tends to be more. You also can’t refute that coloring isn’t a necessity, so there is no HAVE in that notion. Basically, you made shit up, got called, and can only fall back on,

Oh, you mean when they go to get much more elaborate haircuts? Yup, can’t see why that would cost more. How silly that labor and time would have anything to do with cost. And HAVING to get it colored every 6 weeks or so? My my...I guess we could move that from a luxury, or, dare I say, something unnecessary, to

I’ve had to cut my hair, cover my arms, and curtail my wardrobe, been unable to wear makeup (or at least got a talking to about it) ever since I’ve been old enough to hold a job. However, unlike some girls, I’m able to put on my big boy boxers like a goddamn adult, suck it up, and realize that everyone else is doing




But look, you have the perfect accessory for every outfit: being a “victim.”

As a black man, I would like an exhaustive list of black heroes with electrical powers: Storm, Black Lightning, Lightning, Black Vulcan, Juice, Static Shock, and Shango the Thunderer. That’s...Seven. And, let’s be fuckin’ real, of those, I would only posit that Storm would count as an A list hero AND reducing her

Opinion here: You have no idea what you are talking about.

So, you throw around this term toxic masculinity, which, while I understand it’s the feminist buzzword of the month and wholly ignores that toxic behavior is not tied to gender, because feminists love weaseling out of their own culpability for things...but I

I’ve explained my reason for my bias against feminism. If you think being insulted, having my rape excused, having my assault excused are reasons that I should be for feminism, then by all means, I would love to hear why. Remember, I also said that I adore discussion, but I do find it interesting that if it’s not

Oh, I find plenty wrong with applying a feminist eye to things that aren’t feminist, mostly because feminists apply a particular set of values to a thing that, if it doesn’t meet those standards is bad wrong, and those values are...well...inconsistent, at best. I find the best way to look at media is to look at it

It was primarily the wording. It seemed miffed that Kairi didn’t have more of a part. Boy’s world was the big indicator. Diminutive, I guess. Then again, I’m fairly used to Kotaku being the place of “well, if girls aren’t in the lead, then it’s trash,” mentality, so...

Regardless, KH always struck me more about

You seem upset that KH doesn’t center around MF relationships. I, for one, find this kind of refreshing because romantic subplots are in 99% of everything, so having it just be two people who are besties is kinda awesome.

You had it with X-2 as well. Girls club, but I notice you aren’t so upset with that, so I wonder

I’m mostly arguing that she’s a fairly bland character, and that rather than lapping up lukewarm tapioca, wait for a meal that deserves the praise. This is really appealing to the lowest common denominator of “has vagina.” And, hey, if that’s all people are looking for, then good on’em, I guess.

And you are

Heh...if a story fails to have a logical internal consistency, it’s a bad story. Or, at the very least, poorly written. That should be something that everyone should strive to correct, and shouldn’t be swept under the rug because it’s something we like. We can make allowances for rule of cool and suspension of

Man, look at all those white male gamers who can’t stand a female-led game. Truly disgusting.

See, here’s the bit: Had Ludendorff survived, his idea was that the gas attack on London would have broken the Allied Powers will to fight and forced a capitulation to the Central Powers (much like nuking Japan did) and I would extrapolate that it would have had a fairly good chance of succeeding. Remember,

Really? Because she had zero effect on the war, which was her starting goal. She, like the other Amazons, are failures at their (literally) god(s)-given duty. But, hey, she at least she didn’t so much as get dirty doing nothing, so that’s something.

I hope the monkey is because he has personality, as opposed to the notable feature being hair, but call me crazy.