
Female NPCs get treated like male NPCs and...that’s disappointing. #OkayFeminism.

Oh, hey, and Smith? You apparently have selective memory about your own game! Cuz, remember that not everyone female in the game is, “servant, a prostitute, a witch, a queen or a little girl,” because of that, whole, you know, Empress

Kotaku sticking up for a Polygon writer? Shocked. I am shocked.


Can we talk about how the Amazons are failures? Diana says to Trevor at one point that the Amazons are the “link to mankind” or something along those lines. To me, that says they are supposed to be doing what they were originally created to do, which was to help mankind along...

Instead, they’ve been having immortal

Except I never made the “dark-skinned female designed in Japan=ganguro” argument? Literally. Did. Not. If that were the case, I would argue that Kat from Gravity Daze, Yoruichi from Bleach, Fran from FFXII, or any number of other characters were gyaru, but I did not. Instead what I said was dark-skinned does not equal

Oh, because she doesn’t use any Japanese, she’s not gyaru? Well, that settles it, then! Thanks for the clarification! I mean, not that it matters because I think this a fictionalized world, so there is the inherent problem of people attaching their biases on a double not-real character from a place that doesn’t exist.

This isn’t about an injustice. I was there at the con, I was on the floor when it happened. Essentially, this came to be a non-event. It could have been something, but it wasn’t. The situation got handled before it was ever a problem.

Now, everyone who is at the con has to suffer for this. There were two hours






Things That Aren’t About Race But I Make Them About Race Because I Need To Eat by Gita Jackson.

If by that you mean acknowledging the context in how it is popularly used by certain groups, then, yes, I am, fam. :)

*shrug* Like I said, that’s how I see it used most often. Maybe it’s the people using it, because they tend to try to weaponize it for some political purpose. To each their own, I guess.

Offend isn’t the right word. More like...the assumption that a skin color=identity is the problem, ya know? I have a convenient skin color: I’m black, but depending on where I am I can either be hated for the exact shade, or I can pass. I’ve been called a nigger on pretty much Indian res I’ve been on, but in those

It unites them...under a single blanket term. That’s...some magical thinking. I mean, go back and read what you wrote. But you know, “my G”, maybe this little girl would do better than be superficially happy about someone’s skin color and learn about the culture that spawned her, learned why she wears the colors

Nah, I grew up in the South, where, you know, we got called “colored folks.” So, really, I don’t see a huge distinction between people of color and colored people. It’s very superficial and lump term for people who aren’t white, which seems stupid to me, but whatever. I personally consider both to be extremely

She’s gyaru, and pretty obviously so. Do you think she’s black? I mean, good on you if you are happy she’s (probably) Japanese, but when people use “person of color” (because colored people is somehow racist, I guess) it generally means “black.”

Um, I’m so triggered right now. PoC can’t be racist because racism is privilege + porridge, and he obviously has neither privilege (because he’s a PoC) nor porridge (because he’s from Brazil). I think he deserves an apology.

I see Kotaku is explaining their journalistic process. Neat!

after the developers removed a controversial phrase involving the KKK from the game.

Eh. The story had more downs (or more accurately, Down’s) than ups. It wasn’t terrible, and I’ve certainly seen worse, but a lot of shit doesn’t make sense when given anything more than a cursory glance. Especially toward the end.

“...specifically chose FFVII because it’s already a diverse cast and to Square Enix’s credit, you could literally tell the same story with these designs.” Er...yeah. Unless you are telling a story about race, that’s generally how it works. You haven’t stumbled on some heretofore unknown truth. That’s sort of how