
Isn’t Marcus actually surrounded by an an irritatingly upbeat arrogant white guy, an annoyingly boisterous black guy, and a

To be fair, though, it was engrossing to watch over and over again, staring into those blank, soulless orbs, waiting for any sign of life. Kinda zen/horror.

It’s cool how she’s paralyzed from the cheeks up.

Now playing

I this video. I’m not saying it’s indicative of the quality of the whole game, but goddamn, everything about this is wood and vaguely horrifying.

It’s almost like people don’t understand stylistic choices! How weird! But, hey, have a dude fight an armored paladin in nothing but a vest and olive oil? No problem. The military fatigues of an entire kingdom be designed by Gucci? Makes sense! Fight vampires in furry boy shorts? Oh, those Belmonts!


I think you left out the biggest problem with male super hero portrayals: they aren’t allowed to be human. 90% of the sexiness you are getting from this isn’t from some inherent fairy dust being suffused into the goddamn ink, it’s simply the fact that Quill is being presented as a human with an amazing body.

Most male

“men can’t be objectified.” “male power fantasies.” Did I miss anything?

Not a parade weapon, as that was from Rasaay, and there are no, to my knowledge, parades or parade grounds or even a reason to have a parade there, as it’s a 24 square mile island.

And, considering that we are not talking a standardized form of construction, probably even within makers, there is going to be room for

See No One Lives Forever for reference.

His parents were Irish.

Replica swords, in my experience, tend to be lighter than their practical counterparts. I’ve seen it in everything from rapiers to katana. I’m trying to find their material composition, but the “How It’s Made” page is oddly blank, so I can’t say for sure, but if that blade is indication in the picture, that’s a very

Closer to six pounds. The Landsknechts used heavier swords, the Zweihander, but even that topped out at around 8 pounds.  

Iajutsu. Just as there is a difference between kendo, which is sports swording, and kenjutsu which is kill swording.


No outcry that the main character is a fucking white male in Japan?! Kotaku, are you feeling okay?

“Men are never sexualized in video games!”
-Kotaku, Inception to Current.

Because of them fee fees.

So, you mean it’s the exact same kind of environment that happens if a guy walks into Victoria Secret or Forever 21? :)

So...the creator of a cartoon character explains why he drew them a certain way, why he gave them particular physical attributes, and you take it as personal slander toward people you know? I can only assume this outrage is a joke and not serious.

I’m hoping.


They sure do!