
I...did not like WD2. It was fun, but it was not a good game. I had problems with it.

So, Marcus? Marcus could be cool, but he’s not. Marcus suffers the same flaw as many game protagonists do that aren’t written by Naughty Dog which is that he has the outline of a personality, but it’s so goddamn tepid. He gets

If it were tired, it wouldn’t be popular. If it wasn’t popular it wouldn’t sell. Since it does, since it’s very common among both male and female artists, and persist to this day, I would say that it’s not tired, and in fact has had something of resurgence because of Eastern influences in fantasy art. :)

Except it obviously does fulfill its purpose? I mean, you can’t reasonably say it doesn’t. They are wearing it because it suits the needs of whatever the creators deemed appropriate or necessary. I can’t think of the last time I saw armor, “realistic” or no be in a situation where a character goes, “Man, I don’t

I find sensible armor to be boring. Sensible armor is shit to look at. I’ve seen a lot of armor from tons of cultures, and only the really gaudy ceremonial stuff that you don’t wear into battle is any fun to look at. Most of the iconic armor that we see is fucking hella impractical. One thing I tend to notice, and

I love it when people complain about the creation of armor and how it’s not realistic in a world with magic. Never fails! It’s beautiful. It’s like watching someone scream at the tide for being wet.

I love all fan service! From the creepy-creeping of Seishiro on Subaru in Tokyo Babylon to the more overt stuff you see in Monster Musume. It’s all good, and if something isn’t my cup of tea (which are very few things), I realize it IS the cup of tea for somebody else and they should have a fountain to drink from.


Came here for the pearl-clutching, was not disappointed. 10/10

I do not hate. I am vexed, sometimes angered, if I let my baser nature get to me, but I do not hate. Hate is an ignorant response. I think there are very few people in the world who are inherently evil, they just do bad things, and often the reasons they do bad things can seem odd or foolish or even wrong. That is

The language you use is telling, you know. You’ve spent time dealing with, confronting Gamergaters. I am absolutely sure you have. I am listening to you, that’s sort of the point. I’m listening to what you say, and how you say it. I know conviction when I hear it, and hate. Righteous hate is still hate, no matter

Your every statement has implied that GG has some mystical pull with things they’ve done, and in the next breath denied it. For instance, you say they are no longer relevant, yet I’ve pointed to three sources that have specifically mentioned the movement in the last week. This is a movement that apparently “died”

Yeah, I definitely see a trend here. So, there is this thing about people who are driven by a hate filled agenda, where whatever the targeted does, it somehow manages to do both things at once. Like racists who say Mexicans are lazy, and yet at the same time are stealing our jorbs! You’ve done that

Interesting. So, many sites ban people because they don’t like what they have to say. This has been going on since...well, since the internet. This is frequently common with sites with moderators. I don’t think that’s censorship, but of course, our definitions may vary. And Kellogg just pulled advertising from

I thought the byline on Kotaku was, “It’s only censorship if the government does it!” I mean, I recall one of the Gamergate/Anti-Gamergate/Activtist/Whatever battle lines being drawn around “localizations” that are seen by many as censorship, yet it is defended because it can’t be censorship unless a government does

Of course they did. Who is they, again? Oh, right, Gamergate. Who’s in Gamergate? THEM, obviously. You know! Those ones! Over there! Smoking their jazz cabbage! Filthy degenerates! Commies! I really sounds very familiar to me. Like, super familiar. You seem to lean strongly in one direction,

Okay, so two in a week, recently, isn’t enough? That’s fine. I made my point and that’s that the media is still harping on Gamergate when they want to make a point. The Mary Sue does it constantly. Since there aren’t really any pro-Gamergate media outlets, the weirdness they spew tends to be isolated the comments

Well, there’s the fact that GamerGhazi exists at all. But it’s not any particular site that is mentioning it weekly, it’s the fact that it gets mentioned weekly at all. This was ESPECIALLY prevalent after the election (see Red Scare comparison). Just this week The Guardian mentioned GG, an article from Matt “I Look

I find it mentioned with disturbing frequency, at the very least weekly. Of course, it’s usually done as a way to virtue signal by the author how they have a supposed moral high ground from which to sling their particular brand of righteous mud. I mean, if nothing else you could look at Brianna Wu who would turn into

And yet the media is obsessed with Gamergate. Gamergate is the Big Bad. It is the blame for everything that certain blog sites don’t like. Oh, and if you disagree with a certain ideological view? GAMERGATOR. It’s kind of weird, really. And the sad thing is, there’s no identifier for a ideological moderate. Both

Best part? Gay guy calls another dick-ass. Comedy gold!

I hope there are options. Really. I love virtual dress up, but I’ve been unimpressed by the ranges of clothing offered that I’ve seen. And while I realize I’m playing as a specific character and dressing to their tastes, as it were, that doesn’t mean that I have to like it. :D

Honestly, at this point the pre-order