
Sure, neighbor. I’m sorry the pedant couldn’t tell when I was referring to MMORPGs, which Destiny and Borderlands share traits with. Hence increasingly narrow. I’m sorry the pedant isn’t aware that MMOs are becoming more action driven, sharing more reflex and active based action. I’m sorry the pedant wasn’t aware that

Well, your (non) argument, is certainly convincing. Please, tell me more!

But seriously, what the fuck is Destiny, right? Or, you know, why would Borderlands have a loot table? Geez. It’s like, wow...these things are becoming closer, or you know, not since you say so? Defiance? Planetside? Wow. It’s like...almost on

You seem to exist. Maybe that is unfortunate. Not really for me to judge. Everything I’ve declaimed is there in what you’ve said. Pretty simple. Of course, you don’t see it that way because you are virtuous and upstanding, so of course you don’t think like that.

You’ve said you wanted more variety...except when it

Your critcism begins and ends with, “I don’t like this.” Spare me the moralizing. It’s tired and it’s old. You are no different than the relics who thought rock n’ roll was the devil’s music. The horror! Please. Give me some more of your conspiracy theories and your uncritically anazlyzed data.

And if you want to

Animators are lazy now? Well, that’s good to know. Thank you for that educated insight. I’m sure they love having their work disparaged by some rando on the internet. Really, your depth of understanding of the process and skill is...astounding. I am taken aback. Truly.

Also...”being artful”...such elocution! Truly,

Oh, art now adheres to standards? Well, I’ll be sure to inform Dhali and Picasso. I’ll be sure to type a memo to Lynch, and I’ll cc e.e. cummings.

While I know it appears to be beyond your conscious capabilities to make a subtly compelling point, there is something to the notion of video game characters a fetishistic

I’m really sorry your little niche tastes in “unconventially attractive” female characters isn’t being met. Really? I hope they starting putting more buck teeth and lazy eyes in for you. You deserve it, tiger.

Not sure if the subject has trouble with reading comprehension, is a liar, or merely delusional. There is appearntly no hope of recovery, as communication has become an unintelligible rambling of unrelated nonsense unable to reply to even the most basic of inquiries.

It is with the heaviest of hearts that we must

I have a game to run, so I won’t be replying until tomorrow, for the gender thing: you’ll notice I said, “please cite.” You didn’t. It really is a simple request, though given your glaring lack of substantive evidence so far, citations might be a bit beyond you. If it’s so easy, I’m sure you should have no

Hmmm. You are correct. There are thousands of games to choose from. Why is this your hill to die on? And, to further put that in perspective, take a look at Luna, Gentiana, and Iris. Aranea is showing some skin, so I’m sure that’s offensive to you, but she’s still more armored than Gladio. That means Cidney is one out

Addendum to previous: Subject still failed to prove “prominence” in Cidney’s appearance in promotional material. One wonders if any exposure is too much in exposure in the subject’s mind. Subject also provides no answer for region-specific optional asset.

Would it be that it were possible to make people like you

Am I denying it? Yes, for all the good I’m sure it will do. I find ideological hashtags tiresome and largely pointless. Still, since my arguments are the same, apparently, you and your ilk are fond of lumping things together. Forgive the reluctance in assuming you will not dismiss my answer out of hand since it does


Points to be made: The only people who say someone who disagrees with them on video games Gamergaters are SJWs. Guess who pulled that trigger first? And, I’m sorry, even if I had denied being a Gamergater, you would not have believed the denial anyway, so...what would be the point in doing so? Point of order: subject

Haha...Seriously, you used SJW as the “gotcha?” After you obliquely referred to me as an MRA and a Gamergater? Oh, and neckbeard? Oh, hey, Pot, I’d like to you to meet my friend Kettle. You even started insulting my “genitalia”. How pathetic can you really be?

The only contradiction you’ve been maintaining is that you

So, let me get this straight...The game has a character that you and Jason and the shrill SJW crowd finds objectionable because of the clothes she’s wearing...a game that is coming out, released by a major company, that isn’t being edited or changed...but you seem to think that the whinging trogs hold the “larger

No more disingenuous than the rest of the spurious arguments I’ve dealt with, really.

See, here’s the thing: In the end, Cid’s not gonna change, so...your railing, flailing rant? Completely. Irrelevant. The good news (for you, anyway) is that Kotaku will continue continue to publish its shitty articles every time they

Pretty much. Yup.

Someone doesn’t understand burden of proof.