
Proving yet again you don’t know the difference between facts and opinions. Okay. You have fun with that.

So...again...I reiterate for, what, third time? No matter what the dev says, you won’t care. I realize you are bad at this, but please stop proving my points.

Go read the “review” of DOAX over on Destructoid. Should be about your speed. Western games journalism is very much pro-censorship and anti-sexuality. From the

So, not only can she not be sexy, she also has to conform. Man. Next you are going to tell me she can’t be a mechanic because she’s a woman and it’s “not allowed.” I do love the fascism for the sake of control. It’s a good look. Hugo Boss never really goes out of style. Oh, and I’ve seen the skin you are talking

I like how your goalposts are moving in opposite directions. Let’s take your first stupid fucking example. Let’s say you are being mean to a friend of yours, you bullshit, make fun of each other. To an outside observer, that may be mean. But you and he both know it is good natured and not mean. So, the people AWARE OF

See, this is why you fail. You are correct, The End was another photosynthesizer who wore a full ghillie suit...but unlike The End, Quiet was literally burned alive, her internal organs (those things necessary for life) were pretty much destroyed and she was given the parasite to keep her alive. That’s why she had

Oh, honey, see, you made the claim...burden of proof is on you to prove it. C’mon, you aren’t even trying.

Let’s see...So, how, exactly, would you like me to prove that Kotaku (and we are speaking of the writers and editors) have shown time and time again that they grumpily disapprove of (particularly) females that

And on top of that general pile of BS, you said, “talk to the developers.” Uh-huh. Yeah. Because remember when Kojima gave a reason for Quiet’s attire? Remember how Kotaku, as a general rule said, “Oh, that makes sense, givent he context of the story!” Yeah, neither did I, because it didn’t fucking happen.


What, exactly, do you use to measure it? I mean, besides your sense of outrage, obviously? Is that in pascals? Moles? Does it have mass?

I understand that objectivity is hard to grasp for those that operate under the whole “feels not reals” mentality, but seriously...objectification is an opinion. If it wasn’t, you

So...she should be less sexy than every other character? To what end? Can she be just as sexy? Is there a ratio it’s okay to observe, or is it just “be not sexy.” Do you have, like stone tablets with these commandments, or do you just wing it when something doesn’t suit your particular aesthetic?

Logical and well-reasoned. Was that before or after you started making claims that are “facts” that you couldn’t back up. Sorry, it was so back and forth I got confused with what you believe is true and what actually is. I mean, look at all that prominent promotional material with Cid ! It’s all over the place! And

So...yeah...objection is to not only what she’s wearing, but how she’s doing it. Not disproving my point about Kotaku’s loving adherence to its Puritanical mores. We get it, pretty women that reveal skin are the devil and should be banished because they offend your chaste senses.

*sigh* Small words:
Opinion - subjective
Fact - objective

The shape of the earth can be empirically shown. That means it’s a fact. A fact is something true.

Objectification is not a fact.

Our OPINIONS are subjective. That’s why I made the statement you cannot empirically prove objectification, unlike whether the earth is round. Does that really not make sense to you?

And yes, it is fair for Jason to criticize her design. It is equally fair for me to criticize that criticism. Yay.

Her attire doesn’t preclude her work. I see her outfit as a play on that particular trope of the hot mechanic. See, the point of that was to see that the vast swath of those results Why do I have to point out the dots and connect them for you?

Oh, right...the infamous male gaze! Or, as I like to call it,

I said interesting. You failed.

Er...okay, so you say someone is objectifying Cid. I say, no they aren’t. And...that’s subjectivity. You can’t empirically prove objectification. It isn’t a fact. Ta-da. Now, if you wanted to say she was sexualized, then oh, certainly. But, even that is not inherently bad (well, here it is).

If I look the only reason

They are happy, they are healthy, they are intelligent. Pity them.

You realize...Cidney’s not either, right? Like, she’s not real. You get that, right?

Actually, it’s a fairly good read of Kotaku as a whole. Maybe it’s the overlap with Jezebel that gets you. And yes, I got what Jason’s point was...and the exact same point was made about Gladio, which was ignored in his moralistic ranting. If there is an issue with Cindy, then there should be an issue with Gladio