
This could in no way be abused.

Actually, Torgue’s character was pretty consistent through the first DLC...then it became weird and grossly inconsistent. That’s the problem. It’s inconsistency. Very different from the first DLC with Torgue to Dragon’s Keep. Go back and play if you don’t believe me. The reason I dislike it was because there was a

Maybe everyone else should grow the fuck up? Dunno. Seems to work pretty well for me. Also, again, reading comp fail...I told you what I do for people in my little microcosm of the world. Things that are positive. Did you assume I was throwing out hypotheticals? Highlights: treating people well, being inclusive,

So, Jenny (or Janey, whatever) her...entire character from the moment you meet her is to point out and constantly remind you that she is a lesbian. Like, every quest, every interaction is full of chatter about her dead girlfriend and how much she’s not into dudes. Once is cute, it fills out the character. 15 times?

Have you seen Kingsman? There’s this great conversation where they talk about how a gentleman is in the way one acts, not the clothes or the way they talk. When someone has to ham-handedly imply you don’t have class...well...proof is in the pudding.

I didn’t answer your questions simply because they weren’t compelling

I’m not saying don’t account for the fact that they are gay, but also don’t make being gay the single most defining characteristic. Several of my best friends are gay, I’m bi. We have experiences that are affected by that, but from day to day, it’s like I have to choose to put on my bi clothes, and they have to wear

So fem rage leads to you get angry, post something that you haven’t read the full info on, because of the lede? Seems...fair?

“In other words, viewing media that frames women as objects or sexual playthings, profoundly impacts how real life women are perceived and treated in the world around us. And that is all without even taking into account how video games allow for the more participatory form of objectification that we’ve been discussing

Hmm...I was just curious if there were any interactions between her and Dorian about it. That would have been neat, and I wonder if it was done on purpose, or just a missed opportunity, because I don’t think Sera ever had a problem with her sexuality, or it never caused her problem, but again, not all that invested in

For what it’s worth: Dorian was pimp as hell. A really well done character overall, including handling his homosexuality and the stigma of it where he came from. I think it would be interesting to see interactions between two gay characters that had very different life experiences (I never dicked around with Sera

That was the entire point I was making: it was relevant to his story. It was not, for instance, Janey Sands or whatever the fuck her name was from the Pre-Sequel who had no story except “I am a tragic lesbian, look at how much I don’t like dick.”

You know how you write a gay character? The exact same way you write a straight character. This isn’t hard. The issue is that (as proven with the MK reveal) is that gay characters are instantly and unfairly put under a spotlight. It takes a single characteristic and makes it the most defining feature of that person,

I visited Seattle in High School. Stayed downtown, and they’d just put in a big ass Game Works (Werks?).

I go there playing Street Fighter v Capcom. Old school.

I’m mostly killing time, it’s practice. Wolvie, Charlie, and ‘Gief are the team.

Eventually, this chick wearing a company shirt strolls up, puts a quarter down

You missed the point, but I’m not surprised.

Let me break it down in small words for you. MK shows a lot of different types of people. Period. End of story.

And Native. So, that covers Whites, Blacks, Natives, Asians (multiple flavors), Half-Dragons, Demi-gods, Elder Gods, Half-Dragons, Australians (not really people, but I’ll count it), Undead Japanese, Undead Americans, Reptilian Americans, Synthetic Organisms (both organic and inorganic), mutants, and one fuckin’ gay

Fighting games in general have pretty diverse casts. Look and KoF or even SF. SF IV has 9 “white guys” and out of the 45 characters, that’s like...22 percent? And even less “busty white chicks” coming it at a whopping five, really, I’m just opting to select white chick since “busty” by SJW standard is anyone that

Guys! Guys! Guys!

You’ve never actually looked at the MK cast, have you?

He trains with the Shaolin, which is definitely Chinese. Not sure about the old school Chinese stance on man-love.

Hey, whoa...let’s not get too hasty.