
But I’ll never abandon her, unlike that one-legged bastard!

The Doll is best waifu! She even said she loves me!

Making awesome panties?

I am outraged by her sideboob! Sexism! Misogyny! The artist is gross and needs to grow up! OBJECTIFICATION!

Well, even up through The Room, it was kinda that way. It was more verbal in it’s presentation, but a lot of it just mixed in with the background and random things. Also, hooray for unreliable sources of information. The first Fatal Frame also did a good job with it’s story, as I recall, using flashback and found

It’s a hard thing for...I don’t know, I think creators to do in general now. Basically, the notion of subtlety has gone out the window. Have something you want to say? Bludgeon your audience with it. Newer “progressive” comics have a real problem with this. The writing is cringey because it’s this entirely in your

...I was trying to think of a witty reply, but then I figured either you are just that dense and it would be lost on you, or you are being deliberately obtuse, in which case there is no point in engaging. I’m hoping it’s the latter, but I bet it’s the former.

Except the Souls variety! Suck it, filthy casuals!

Correction: This is one way to make a character look sexy.

Your opinion is not an objective fact. You don't get to define what everyone should think or what is sexy to them.

Interestingly: you realize that the EVA suits were unisex, right? And that they were the same for all pilots?

How long until the overly enthusiastic activists show up to say how Mankind is triggering and demands that it get changed because it’s misogynistic?

Ahem. When Jason Aaron started the Thor run, there was no big announcement, and there was no controversy. Just another comic title changeover.

Skip ahead to female Thor. Huge announcement, media coverage everywhere (even outside of comic/geek culture), big controversy.

This is like saying, "Throwing a giant rock in a

He is, technically, a mutate, as in one who has been altered. Mutants only refers to those who have the X-Gene. A trivial difference, but still there.

So, from what I skimmed of that first paragraph was, “Oh, I made a mistake and you called me on it. Well, that’s not my fault.” Fair enough, it is not your fault that I used exactly what you said within the context of the argument. What was I thinking?

Again, TV Tropes is far from comprehensive, and far from objective,

I loved the first season of Aldnoah, but the second season had this weird air of expectation of things to not turn out awful or lame and it amazingly did both. There was no real climax and it just sort of faded.

Why no Seven Deadly Sins?!

Because she just tore some poor woman’s arm off and that require protein, duh.

And in the long list of things she is, I don’t think car mechanic is one of them, but it what she does is far more taxing and...positionally compromising.

You still have Gladio!
And the rest of his Twinkies, if that’s your thing.

Would you say that it’s more or less silly to dress like her and be a mechanic, or to fight building sized monsters while wearing a leather shirt and tribal tattoos and a wallet chain? XD For the record, I love them both, but I’m willing to suspend disbelief in favor of flavor.

Why would they be? I mean, it’s a false equivalence, yes? Speaking from a biological perspective. They can both be objectified (which, again, can only happen in the eyes of the observer, as it is not an objective thing), but would a straight woman and a gay man look at the above male in the same way, would they find

Well, given that I didn’t know this game was a thing, I still think it’s pretty messed up to alter the man-candy. And seriously, side-abs? How often do we even get to say that?