
She’d like to have a word with you.

He deserves to say fuck you, honestly. He paid for it.

And yes, the critics, all...12 of them or whatever, were offended. Yay. Why would the not-critics be bothered by it? In fact, I bet you could ask the majority, and they simply wouldn’t have cared. And, strangely, you did actually make one salient point: it probably

Nope. Someone made a limerick, some people got offended by it. The offender changed his thing, which should have been the end of it. Then certain people, not pointing fingers but totally you, act like he deliberately did it to offend transgenders. Grow up.

Someone made a mistake, you decide to be a dick. Seems to be the way of it. Unfortunately, you still have a voice. I guess all mistakes can’t be rectified.

*goes back to FetLife*

Moar tentacles, tho.

I dunno, Luis Royo is pretty friggin’ talented. From a composition standpoint, I’d say they are about equal. The only truly impressive one is the fur suit (heh). Both she and Royo are very...static in their images, both are very much portrait works, they have little inherent life or movement.

Still, I’d buy a print.

The lack of Meguro hurts. The character designs are okay, I will always prefer Soejima’s. Still, looks like it could be fun. That brings the total of Wii U games worth playing to a possible THREE.

Marvel Heroes.

And the reviews first.

It depends on the anime. Slice of life set in Japan? Probably. Hetalia? Fate/Stay? No so much.

Well, that’s a bit of stretch since you can cosplay a character of any race. Cosplay =/= Asian characters. I mean, do you think all characters in anime or Japanese games are Asian? Really? That’s a bit presumptive, and one could probably call it racist, but I’ll opt for ignorant.

I know you were attempting to look

Except race totally is a costume? Or, at the very least, part of a costume. Unless you want to start calling out cosplayers for not “sticking to their respective races” I think you should re-evaluate that statement. Go ahead. Good luck with that.

The simple fact of the matter is that imitating race in a hyperbolic way,

I can’t wait to play this game!

Superheroes are such darling, so few bad things really happen to them. If it happens to a female superhero, it's even worse. Cur the crying, the gnashing of teeth.

TKJ was nice, because it showed actual consequence. It had an actual, for real, tangible result that lasted (until they decided to kid glove the

Let’s see, you are the one who brought up the term stripperiffic, I mention strippers, you use your experience in a strip club to defend your point, I counter that with similar point, furthered by knowing a male stripper that I used to train with, and my wife’s stripping experience, you suddenly say that your original

You obviously do want something out of her character, since you keep referring to her as scenery. Since you aren't referring to any other NPC in such a way, what makes her different? Her clothing, apparently. This is something you have an issue with, or you wouldn't have mentioned it.

And since you keep ignoring the

Is Cid a playable character? If she isn't, why does she need to be more of a character than what she is? (Big) If she treated as more or less of a character than any other character in a similar situation of another gender? (Bigger) More importantly, and this the key, do the characters in the game treat her any

I'm sorry you don't like my diction. Well, sorry not sorry, but who's counting? If you must know, I chose the option based off the, to me, odd and limiting reason for your choice not to play the game. Then again, I play games based off whether the game is actually good (subjectively) or not, not based on the

Where, exactly, did a guess at another person's extremes? You sound like a typical anti-gamergater, in that you accuse people of being in gamergate if they have the slightest disagreement with you. Apologies if you're not.

Uh, you are railing against it, as you've voiced your displeasure. Did I read that

Ah, so you expect every NPC you meet to have a fully fleshed out backstory and to be super important to the narrative because...why, exactly? You haven't stated a reason why she should be more than a quest giving NPC. Is it the clothes? Or the fact that she's female that you feel, somehow, she's entitled to more?