
Incorrect. She does serve a purpose, but one you don't feel is "worthy" enough because of what she's wearing. You wouldn't be complaining if she were wearing full coveralls, and you know it. Fancy that, a female character being assigned worth based on a physical perception of her. That sounds...oddly familiar...


It's better than the tired Male Lead + Female Lead (Love Interest) thing. In fact, it's nice to have all male travelling companions who are are actually friends instead of just some dudes who you pick up along the way, because that's actually fairly unique.

Because men and women are visually attracted to the same thing, which is totally why visual porn and written porn are consumed in equal amounts by both sexes! Oh, wait...

Let's be honest, characters on comic book covers rarely, if ever, stand like normal people, because...what would be the point? "Standing like a normal person" about the stupidest and least interesting visual you can put in an medium. Seriously. Think about that, a normal person stands there, slightly slouched,

Unless Aaron makes God King Thor not a thing, female Thor is irrelevant, with shitty writing.

Miles would be far more awesome if he wasn' goddamn much like Peter.

I like Sam better than Rick, so that's okay.

Vision: Because...sure. Can Vision get some actual plot development that doesn't involve someone else being

It's called the Young Avengers, or the Everybody's Gay Team.

You know, except for the making it a self-referential parody of itself. It's trash.

Too much power, not enough responsibility.

Yeah, sorry, I clarified that in a post after. The person I was replying to was saying either conflating or combining the two and saying they were equally useless.

Body fat percentage is just another measurement, but it DOES make up your weight, so knowing how much of your weight is going to be fat is a little bit of a helpful, especially since people are obsessed with the notion of losing "weight" which generally translates out to "I want to be less fat."

Okay, first off, BMI and body fat percentage are two different things. BMI is qualitative, body fat percentage is quantitative. Like, you realize that your body fat percentage is something you can actually, like, for realsies measure, right? I agree with the fact that a BMI saying, "Oh, your body fat is X, don't actually have an answer, you are just wanting to complain. Gotcha.

Well, since you aren't proposing another method...

The simple fact of the matter is that people are using it as a guide, not an absolute.

The only way to know your BMI for certain is the DEXA scan, but that's not going to be available to everyone. Same thing for hydrostatic testing. Bio impedence is going to be super

Bolter bitches!

Oh, boy, shitty Khan is going to be in it. Because, you know, someone who has been a hero for a month should be in the Avengers. I can only hope that Wilson isn't writing it, and maybe it won't be completely atrocious Tumblr drivel.

How, exactly, does it cheapen it? Go ahead and explain it, I'm genuinely curious how you cheapen something that has no inherent value to anyone other than the person/people involved.

Combine with KLK and you'd have some hardcore aggressive scissoring!

Yes. That's it exactly! The Patriarchy wins again! MISOGYNY!

I love Ikkitousen!

You know, instead of looking down your nose at it, you could just say, "Not for me," and...go on about your day? I find my life is much more fulfilling to like a wide variety of things, and not to speak disparagingly of what other people like.