
Point me to something used more frequently and delivered with more derision and scorn. Go on, I'll wait.

Well, when the men who like those things state their liking of the TnA or sexy aspects of games and they get called misogynists or sexists, then yes, men are being criticized for what they like and what they feel. I've seen the opinion stated here several times that if you like X, then you must be Y.

Most people are

Actually, you don't get to dictate what I do or don't do. Isn't that wonderful?

I also like how you see a massive coordinated attack against a fringe, when really, it's a fringe against a fringe. I know, I know, how can you rail? How can you gnash teeth and beat chest?! But seriously, we're talking over 750K

Men get criticized plenty for the things they like. Pop into Kotaku any week for some latest kerfuffle about tits in video games and how men are making the medium awful because they like to look at tits. Because it makes them sexists, because it makes them misogynists. Now the dicks who bag on women who show off?

I never said it was an extreme practice, merely stating that it does happen, which they even admit in the article. It is a tactic used by streamers, and it is, frankly, one of the lowest common denominator ones. Anyway. go to Twitch right now, look at the LoL the way male and female streamers

Then where are the guns and tanks? Where's the government funding? THINK OF THE TROOPS!

You act as though I choose my words without care. I assure that is not the case. Someone can display cleavage innocently, sure...but if you can tell me that most streamers, male or female, just roll out of bed without a care in the world about their appearance...I have some oceanfront property in Arizona I'd like to

You have problems with reading, right? Like I said in the last paragraph of my previous response, do what you gotta do, but don't try show skin and then try to act like some innocent ingenue. "These breasts?! Oh my, I have no idea how they got there! It's all a misunderstanding, I assure you!" It's cheap, it's

Actually, they can't do that. It's part of the Twitch rules. So...someone has already had a problem with it, because that was instated like...last year, the year before last? Fairly recently, in any case. So, what you know is what you speculate, and what you speculated was factually incorrect. "Wearing no

As a Bi dude, I'll say PDD is hella attractive.

That said, if he opened his mouth his ass would be on the curb super quick, but other than that. I can enjoy the cinematography and hate the soundtrack just fine.

Yes, I'm sure your broad generalization is completely accurate and without bias, but let's just assume that reality is slightly more nuanced than what you've obviously put a lot of thought into.

Twitch is a competition for views. And, like it or not, since you can't see the content beforehand, you have to rely on

Or, hear me out here...

Twitch streamers, assuming they are popular enough, can make money, yes? There are many Twitch streamers. If we assume that all Twitch streamers hope to "make it big" or whatever, they have to market themselves. Since the majority of streamers are male, and the audience is primarily male,

Think you need to look up the term literally.

It was the only race/gender combination you called out. It doesn't have to be a "slur" to be denigration, which was the entire point. You act like being a white cis male is a walk in the park, which is sheer idiocy.

As a non-white, no straight male, I can tell you that gaming is just fine. My non-white, non-male

Or, here, let's be civil about this: point to me where I'm wrong in my assessment of the things you've said. Give me something solid that actually makes sense. If you can't, well...I can only work with what I'm given. Can't polish a bigoted turd.

So, you are laughing because I acknowledged that you called yourself a bigot? Okay. Sounds good.

Also, you are pretty much full of it in regards to the whole not showing women in danger. In the comics, Barbara is never really in danger. Let's fucking face it for what it is. That's how it is for heroes. Doesn't matter if it's Batgirl, Batman, Batdog, or Batguano. It's a pantomime of danger for the reader's

This game does not seem interesting. Like, I'm all for the sex stuff, but the content of the game, the weird Trading Places bit...I dunno. You want to talk about sincerity but the game is about deception at it's core? Seems weird.

It's not sexist. You saying so doesn't make it so.

It is a fairly unique situation, seeing as Joker is the one who shot and paralyzed her, taking away a lot from her. The only immediately comparable thing is Bane/Batman,'s the kicker, Barbara is a fairly well adjusted human, Bruce is not. So, basically

So, I notice you don't deny being a bigot. That's good. The first step in realizing you have a problem is admitting it. See, being a bigot is bad, because while you've obviously "reasoned" yourself into the notion of Justified Bigotry...that's fucking retarded, and I'm not entirely convinced you can see why.

I mean,