
Yeah, it's terrible when the ones most often throwing around gendered and racial terms like candy are...oh, what do you call them? You hate the term SJW...oh, right, "activists." After all, you were the one who has a problem with one particular demographic. *shrug*

See, I prefer inclusion of all, rather than the

This is why Japanese character design is superior to Western design.

You know nothing, Jon Snow.

As as writer, I find it weird that only recently did it become a thing to describe characters by their gender first, as though that were the most important thing. If that is the most interesting thing about your character, or the thing they are supposed to be most identified by, you've failed as a creator.

I don't know, Kotaku seems to make most of its revenue off the "overwhelming negativity concerning a fucking hobby." I mean...hello weekly clickbait?

But you know what I find bad about games? The fact that it's becoming politicized. The fact that, hey, just maybe, if you don't like something about a game or a design

I think I have a bigger brush out back if you need some more area to cover with those generalizations.

Prepare for titty outrage!

Don't worry your little head, you can rest assured she was killed by an overdose of Patriarchy and Misogyny!

I remember years ago whenever character designs or whatever were introduced, and it was a nod to the creativity or artistic vision or thematic elements of the game and its developers.

Hahahahaha. So, "clearly superior" man, who are you trying to convince of that particular lie?

That was the most graceless admission of defeat ever.

Show some class, you are bringing down the tone.

Also, in response to your first paragraph, remember when I said this?

Wow, you are really clueless.

Okay, lemme break it down for you: the reason that fighting games are a dying breed, genius, has nothing to do with character designs, it has to do with the gamer base. See, since the early 2000s, the sales of fighting games have been going overall, because the trend for multiplayer games

Yes, because Kotaku is really, really unbiased in that regard? Oh, right, and it was one writer's opinion, so...that's what...two of you? Congrats!

And the 6 billion other posts? Okay, cool, now let's cull that down to actual, you know, real numbers, and then look at how those numbers compare to the sales of the

But what about the complete lack of PoC representation, because in Medieval Bohemia, they were LITERALLY everywhere, and this game isn't historically accurate because there aren't any! Anyone who buys this supports a whitewashed, patriarchal, heteronormative view of history that has never existed at any point! Ugh,

So, what I get from this is mostly that anything having to do with the conflux of art and breasts is basically blood in the water for self-righteous.

I look forward to the frenzy.

Yup, no one finds them relevant anymore! You tell 'im!

Except for all the people making money from it.
And the popularity of the franchises.
And the fans.
And the fact that the designs still persist as iconic, when the designs you are apparently in favor of are...well, non-existent, really.

But yeah, you are right! You

Well, right, because see, that's what a good character does. The character is good, and the aspects of that character make up the SUM of what makes them awesome, they aren't awesome because of one aspect because that is a Mary Sue.

This is something I wish people would learn before they start complaining about female

Fun fact: sexualization can only occur in the observer. It is not an objective thing. Meaning, no matter how much Anita or anyone else says, "This female character is objectified!" it is, in the end, an opinion based on their mores.

Take a shoe, for example. To the average person, it is a shoe. It may be a nice

Someone who ties too much of their gender identity to a video Anita? I mean, considering every other word out of her mouth is either women or female, so she seems pretty caught up in her gender identity and how it ties to video games, so...

People make...weird sounds during actual combat.