
To be fair, if it's one minor detail every time she opens her mouth, it really starts to add up.

Any point she makes, and there are a few, tend to get lost in the tsunami of highly specific instances that she points to that are, largely, devoid of context and designed to bolster her opinion, not to be taken on their

She's getting shit done? I thought she was just padding her pockets? I mean, her influence is so great in the industry...oh, wait, no, no it's not. The same things are being done, and the same growth patterns are still there.

Don't give credit to someone for literally doing nothing, it just encourages them.

I hate her costume so goddamn much. So much negative space offset by garish color. It's like the 80s threw up on her.

Yeah, because without Peter, she'd totally be a character! Oh, wait, no she wouldn't.

Stacy literally only has an identity AT ALL because she was in a relationship with Peter. I know, I know, it hurts the fee fees, but that's the way it works when you are a secondary character.

You know, sorta like Uncle Ben is

All I know is that Brianna apparently dumbed down the gameplay because apparently, according to her mind you, that gameplay that required fast reactions was "too intimidating for female players."

These games represent something fairly unique, but also unfortunately shared a big problem. While the parent types are voiced by black actors, Orlessa Altass as Scylla Cartier-Wells (mother to Nillin) and Dave Fennoy as Lee Everett (adoptive father to Clementine) respectively, both Nillin and Clementine are voiced by

The one thing that was weird that I didn't understand is that Ir-Yut didn't move at all. I've never seen that happen, as wizards always move when their shields fall.

Too many is entirely subjective. If things are made that are good and attractive that don't rely on those things, they will become the new popular. That's sort of the nature of the beast. You can't force people to like things if they are poorly conceived, or given only over to a niche audience.

Secondary character? Who are you referring to? Cuz, you know, Nicky-boy has been probably the single largest human mover and shaker in the Marvel Universe. AND that's not including what was revealed in Original Sins, but I guess, sure...let's call him a secondary character. And I never said anything about length

Well, it's been done with Nick Fury, Captain American, and Spider-Man, all within recent memory, has been done numerous times?

Also, and this is a point I love making because people are so goddamn narrow-minded: Make a character, like, a real, for realsies relatable character who happens to be black, and you

Honestly, I'd like Miles more if his powers weren't so...powerful. That's why he'll never be "my" Spider-Man. His ability to become nearly invisible and his stupidly overpowerful and over-useful venom blast are...not the hallmarks of what makes Spider-Man the hero he is. He never really feels like he's in danger

NIS would disagree with you...

The Vita is a very good handheld, and just because some rando on the internet says it's dead (which happens with every console and every handheld ever) doesn't make it so. Simple fact of the matter is that as long as there are games that people are interested in, the system will continue

Ah, yes, the mystical 18 Year Old Sex Barrier. I've heard of this. Despite the fact that humans reach sexual maturity well before then, exactly 18 years from the time of your birth, the magical portal opens to Okay Sex Land.

People are so fucking weird.

No wonder America is all fucked up about sexuality.

Going back, and admittedly given the sheer number of Avenger's rosters there have been, I don't think there has ever been an all male team. Sometimes there will only be one woman (Scarlet Witch or Widow, usually) but that's only when there is the Requisite Six.


The only character I care about in any of this is Nico. Everyone else is kinda eh. Least there's no Ms Tumblr, er...Ms Marvel.

The game is very good, but there are certain things that just...yeah. Like, there's no difficulty curve, it's a sheer cliff.

So, you'll start off and it's hard, but not unbeatable. You build your dudes, try to keep them from snapping, and you make money. They can levels by upping their "resolve" which is, in theory,

But, but...RWBY...oh, no. This is awful. He was so awesome for a whole lot of reasons.

Would enjoy the game much more if I didn't have to force quit every time I try to enter a indoor area (like the Tower) from running around doing missions. Game runs great, otherwise. Also, kinda sad they already patched the weapon dupe. :(

I just like watching you flail. It's amusing to me.

Let's recap, shall we?

She is a beautiful, unique snowflake, just like everybody else.