
He never forces anyone, he never coerces anyone. He doesn't roofie them. He doesn't call them names or mock them. He's a dude who is hated and feared in pretty much equal measures that gets his bone on when he can. Props to him.

The sex is pretty run of the mill situation (except for the witch, if I recall: "There

Can't even stomach saying that you made a big ass assumption, and just ended up making a big ass of yourself. Typical. Ah well. I had hoped that for someone who was so taken by the plight of the poor, poor PoCs, that you might have something resembling a spine, or at least integrity. Glad I'm not terribly bothered

Also: How does crow taste? Good?

Also, the majority of the replies (take a look) range from neutral to postive, with some either dismissive (because they don't care, which is valid) and a few that could be classified as angry, but those are outliers.

HAHAH. Wait, hang on. I got something for you.

Oh, man. That's good. Yeah, please, tell me how my struggles are anything compared to PoC. PLEASE. TELL ME. I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR YOU TELL ME ABOUT MY LIFE. GO ON.

Nope, it's perfectly demonstrable of why the OP is basically a bully. If you want to defend that stance, be my guest. We were done long ago, because you've yet to give me anything worthwhile, except that, "Wah, you're a bigot because you called them a SJW and that's SO MEAN."

I've asked numerous questions which

So, once again, I'll pose the challenge: Tell me what other group of people uses terms like fat, greasy men as a common pejorative, and I'll happily retract my statement and make a general apology to SJWs. I'd not call someone a SJW if they didn't use terminology that was pretty much par for people who believe they

Such is life. Injustice in the name of justice is widely accepted.

Ah, that's how you see it. Gotcha. That explains much.

Oh, wow, you got me good!

Rage, rage against the dying of light...Have fun flailing.

Also, interesting sidenote that just occurred: You are, unless I'm mistaken, claiming that anyone who agrees with me is a SJW and that I am calling them bigots by extension...

I wonder how many would agree with your assessment.

Just an idle thought. Carry on.

Well, what are they, then? They aren't items, so they aren't cards, they can only be accessed through the journal, and the journal as far as I can tell, is not a physical object so...what would you consider them that is less "head canon-y"? If you have something better, I'd love to hear it.

And why would you not

So, you approve of what I do, but not the way I do it? It's cool. I can dig it.

Because I certainly didn't see you step up to the plate. But hey, maybe I'm just faster on my feet. It's cool, brah, I'll let you field the next one that makes an unfair generalization based on the theoretical physical appearance of a

You really need to work on your insults. They don't flow. I would have gone with fuckwit, or perhaps cockwit. The use of flying before an insult is very...eighties, really.

Anyhoo, lemme break it down for you: I don't have anything against the idea of social justice. My problem, and this is where the crux lies, is

As I said, it was a footnote in a single game. How much this perturbs you is up to you. Your displeasure at this is even a thing is plainly evident, so I'm not sure what else I would extrapolate from that.

If the crux of your...whatever you decide to call it that you find acceptable is the discussion of how

Greasy, obese men.

Social Justice Warrior.

No one defends the first. Someone gets all riled at the second.


I'll leave you to ponder that.

If they don't want to be labeled a SJW, don't use their language? Bro? Novel, I know!

Oh, is there a requisite depth of relationship now?

And, again, it's not a question of how they represent women because, in this instance, Geralt is, as far as has presented, straight. I know women, my wife included, who trophies of their lovers. I think she's perfectly mature.

As I said, obviously your

Ah, the stereotypical dismissal. So, basically, you are defending this person when they make an untrue statement toward an entire group based on a dated, facile, and ultimately dismissive stereotype. Fascinating.

Not that it matters to you, since you've drawn your conclusion, but I'm neither an MRA, nor a Gamergater

Or, here would be an alternative to your theory, when my comment was posted, there were perhaps a dozen replies, none of which were angry, and only one of which was insulting aimed at a group of people based on physical attributes.

Time, as they say, marches on.

Of course, I went after a set of, perhaps, untrue ideological behaviors...they went after after base physical attributes. And again, I'm perfectly willing to take back the idea of calling them out as an SJW so long as you can tell me another group of people that uses "greasy, obese men" as a common pejorative