
I didn't care when gamer was synonymous with loser. I didn't care when gamer was synonymous with unstable loner about to go on a killing spree. Why the hell would I suddenly start caring what a bunch of outsiders think? Why would I care what a bunch of insular SJWs think? Is this high school? Is everything a

Like I said, there won't be any tears shed over your loss. If you think the bad is more important than the good, you are going to very disappointed in life. Have fun being all bitter and disappointed in life. I'm gonna go actually enjoy games with my disgusting gamer friends.

When people say thing like "lots" and "many" and bunches" all I hear is, "I'm making things up so that it sounds like this is an actual thing." This isn't your fault, it's just a common tactic when people feel strongly about something, they make blanket assumptions. So some unknown neutrals have associated gg with

It was a huge the gaming world. Full stop. It was reported in one place outside of the gaming community, and that was Forbes, which does this weird dabbling thing from time to time. The YouTubers thing? Again, that was like...a week of coverage, and outside of the greatly incestuous "we got it

Oh, wait, so you had to correct the view of the ignorant about your hobby? Damn. That sucks. I have to do that about sexuality. I have to do that about my lifestyle. I have to do that about my other hobbies.

But seriously, did you apparently ignorant parents also ask you how much you donated to Child's Play? Did

The last time a conversation about games journalism happened was 2007. There was a lot of pearl-clutching, and then it just stopped. The conversation, that is, not what was going on that caused the reporter from Gamespot to get hired. The games-creation/publication industry is dictating the flow of information (as

Sure I can, and I did. Pretty easily. Then again, again all I have to do is observe the conversations going on to see that it's still very much about tribalism, and there's nothing you or anyone else can do that will "elevate" that. Also, I've noticed you've not done a lot of swaying, so how's that elevation going?

Go back and read the articles. GG is blamed wholecloth for what happens, and that's the issue, and that's always the issue in situations like this. I mean, the media backlash with "gamers are dead" is pretty much the same ideological attack, attacking the concept of an identity (which is one of the dumbest things in

How is it a straw man? I can point you to proof of the statements made by these women about why they don't call themselves feminists, and the virtiolic, ad hominem attacks by feminists back at them. That is pretty much textbook definition ideological bullying, "Tow the line, or you are an idiot." I mean, unless

So, you approve of ideological bullying? Well, that's refreshingly honest. It's good to know that feminism apparently adheres to belief of, "You follow us or risk censure."

I wondered how long it would be before someone asked this. Didn't take long. Also, the new Miss Marvel is fucking awful.

Start a new movement. Right. Start a new movement on the internet where there is no kind of accountability, no kind of checks, no kind of monitoring. You know, if you are going to throw out stupid and impossible "solutions" why not tell GG to find a dragon to cull their ranks because that is just as likely. Keep

It's sort of like feminists who are all up in arms against womenagainst feminism, right? Because the most popular retort is, "Well, if it wasn't for feminism, you wouldn't have the right to vote!" It's like a black man staunchly voting Republican because Republicans are the ones that ended slavery. Sure, they were

Because the same thing will happen. It's pretty much inevitable. Any positive message that GG has is, unfortunately, mired in its identity, and the negative is what's trotted out as "proof" that GG and NYS are all about the hatred of women. Because, you know, the internet totally is a place where individuals are

So...Sociology 101? Did you have a point, or were you just giving me a summary of the previous semester's syllabus? Regardless, no one wants to elevate this conversation. I mean, that's been one of the largest contentions. As in most discussions, moderates are drowned out. For the most part, this is just

I've never had a problem understanding AC. It's not that complex. Ah well. I'm sure there's some pixel indie platfomer to play where the goal is simply getting from point A to point B.

I would have had to house rule basically the entire system except for the basic nuts and bolts to make it remotely fun. They took the super out of the supernatural. Oh, you wanted to play a werewolf? That's cool. Hey, we're going to make the actual fun part of that be this huge detriment that you have to keep tabs

This is how it breaks down for me:

oWoD. Always oWoD.

5e is the hot bidness. Everything is streamlined, and combat isn't a chore. Magic users are a good cross between the lovingly crafted spell-lists of yesteryear and the ability to NOT BE COMPLETELY USELESS AFTER THREE MAGIC MISSILES from 4e. Also, Warlocks and Monks done very well.