
If I recall, isn't one of the conceits of the game that she (and her sister) get more powerful the more blood they absorb, so having less clothes on means they get more skin to blood contact. Or maybe I'm misremembering that.

I disagree, we are entirely getting out of this without each other because there is no "us" within the context of the crusaders. Remember? Gamers are over. These are the people that have drawn the lines and made it very clear about doing so. Given that context, it's convenient to know who is an ally and who is an

Because SJWs. If they don't get their daily dose of pandering, they wither away. Not they don't. Male characters fit into one of two molds, and the second only exists in Eastern games.

The salt is so real!

Everyone wants to play the chubby girl with self-esteem issues and sensible shoes, obviously.

I dunno, I've seen some pretty awful comments by Jezebel basement dwellers concerning male rape. And yes, I've seen it said a number of times that, "Men can't be raped," which I suppose is different than calling it a myth, since it's outright denial that it's possible. I even saw one lovely state that even if men

As long as we are on the same page page as to where the bullshit starts. You don't have to state, "Some people think," or, "I personally believe," to make things understandably known as the opinion of the presenter, which is one of those things in her presentation, she does not do. It is a sticking point with many

Honestly, the majority of the gay people I know are fairly well adjusted in that they've come out as LGBT young and have largely been accepted and have thus accepted themselves. I know in my case it was not a big thing to my mother, while it was a huge thing to my grandparents, but they still refer to me as "that

I don't care if people are paying attention to Anita for reasons that are credible. They are not, however. The majority of her face time is due to her portrayal as a victim. She plays the card well, don't get me wrong, masterfully even, but that's the majority of her popularity. She was a complete non-entity until

So, again, Anita's entire argument is, "I'm just pointing out tropes, you guys!" It's empty and meaningless, so many words thrown about that means only as much as her own interpretation. Maybe both you and she have missed that critical analysis is entirely subjective and, as I said, will be greatly influenced by

Well, unless you have counter examples...I mean, seriously, I just pulled that out because she has an entire team made of women, her reasons for making the game the way she did, control wise are...kinda weird, and it's a direct contradiction to the point you were making (the presumed audience and the dev team). If

And games designed by women are full of...oh, wait.

You do realize that presuming your audience is going to be primarily straight sort of makes sense? I say this as a bisexual. Which is greater? 10% of the population or 90% of the population? As for being young and male, well...that's the audience. For the triple A games, you know, the ones that make the big

The assumed audience being people who play video games? Or do you mean adults? Or that the dev team shouldn't be comprised of people who, you know, went to school and put in the work to get the job? I don't see the problem. Or are you implying that there should be more sex workers on the dev team? I'm not sure

We are talking about two different kinds of realism here. There is reality, in which there would be male prostitutes (though far fewer than a ton), and there would be bath houses, and people would have STDs and any other numerous things. Then there is the facsimile of realism, the simulacrum, that games exist in, in

So, they were realistically ignored. Gotta remember, male sexuality is a thing that is hugely...hands off, for lack of a better term. There is a generally homophobic trend that exists within media that bends itself in knots trying to keep this narrative of straight male sexuality as they only thing that exists,

Of all prostitutes, only about 20% are male (at least in the US) so there really wouldn't be a "ton" but there should be some. And within the context of sex work, male sex workers are largely invisible, which is unfortunate, but because the vast majority of female and male prostitutes are likely "the gay"...society

I am intensely hungover at the moment, so please, bear with me, because I'm not going to go point by point on this.

Firstly, all art can, and should, be analyzed under the microscope of social and technical scientific analysis. This isn't what Anita is doing at all, while claiming that she is. I would think any

Soldier of Fortune was awesome for gun feedback.