
It is, I imagine, easy to find pages of death threats against Zoe or whoever. I can point to pages concerning gaming where she's not even mentioned, because she's a non-issue. Take a look at r/ gaming, you know, Kotaku's news source. Basically, if you look for something, you'll find it.

I personally never identified

Art is a lot of feeling and interpretation. It's loose. Everything is valid, given enough proof. Beowulf can be seen as a Christian or Pagan epic, I've read arguments for both. Again, interpretation. The more rigorous approach of the STEM fields is, ideally, designed to cut down on the human element, to quantify

I've done literary analysis, which will work just fine for here. The reason that the STEM field standards are applied is because they are objective and fact-based, and can be used when you are looking at numbers and trends.

If she is going to look at tropes associated with women in a systemic, big picture sort of way,

If we are talking shitposts, you've enough to make a decent fence. But, really, if you want to get into it, we can. I've got not nothing but time at the moment, and between Sarkeesian and her attempt at lurid prose to prove her point (always good for an academic) and your nearly magical thinking, I could entertain

Well, I could point out the flaws to your argument, specifically your tissue thin issue with Hitman, but let's be honest: nothing anyone will say will change your mind. You've got your conclusions, beliefs, really, and nothing that is said as a counter example will shake that outlook, because you are already under

And "people" on Kotaku continue to say that she doesn't cherry pick, a claim that is demonstrably false so many times. Argh. Okay, I get it, people want to have a discussion about this, which is absolutely fine, but if you are going to have a conversation, have a real one where both sides actually get to talk and

She also said that Bayo was a single yeah...don't put too much stock in what Anita knows about video games, since it could fill a thimble and still be half wrong.

Uh, yeah, she doesn't say anything about "gamer" at all, you realize? "I'm not a fan of video games. I actually had to learn about video games." That's...pretty goddamn cut and dry. That would be like me saying I'm totally a sports nut, when I've not actually a fan of a team, have never seen a game, and know

That is some lazy ass logic.

Relevant to the point she's making. A few months ago Kotaku in a fit of unbridled fairness for once ran an article concerning video games and statistics, and one of the contributing authors even specifically mentioned Sarkessian by name in pointing out that people like her specifically choose data to prove their

Sam Elliott is a real actor, I know that. I wanted to know why he mentioned him in the same breath as Nova. Fucking casuals, I swear.

Well, let's put it this way: Marvel Heroes used Richard as the default instead of Sam because Richard is the most famous of the Novas. And, hate to break it to you, it's not like Sam

Who the hell is Sam Elliot? The Nova that people know are one of two characters: Ol' Buckethead being Richard Rider is largely considered the most famous and iconic Nova and the current Nova, unless it's changed very recently, has a black helmet and is a kid named Sam Alexander. Sam's mother is Latina, but I'm

No cries of misogyny? No explanation of how you can't have a game without non-seuxalized female characters? No whining about representation and how it needs to be in every goddamn game? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THE REAL KOTAKU?!

Also, it's nice to know you advertise your bigotry right out in the open like that. Very helpful. Thank you.

That is correct, but not all men. Not even the majority of men. Facts are facts are facts.

You are the only one making that syntactic difference, neighbor. Go and read the article, and check to see how GG is referred to. It is treated as a whole entity, a singular thing.

And yes, it's normal for people to defend something they hold a belief in. Is it normal where you come from that if someone says

You mean it surprises you that members of a group that are innocent get defensive when they, as a group, are held accountable for the actions of an individual? Does it bother you when someone says, "Men are rapists," and men say, "No, not all men are rapists," as well? Gross generalizations are gross

Ohkay, so you've obviously missed the point. First of all, you can't structure a campaign in a...loosely associated group of people who may not all be on the same page from issue to issue. There are plenty of people who are crying out denials and disavowing the actions taken by some of the group, but those voices

Ah, yes, the notion of policing. You and Alexander have similar thoughts it seems. Tell me, how do you police a "group" that has no codified membership, no organization? See, I basically say the same thing in regards to feminists and SJWs. While some of the message may be on point, the rabid bitching vocal

It was not a fact. But starting a sentence with Blanket Generalization is less interesting than starting it off with fun fact. Also, since this entire thing is about blind suppositions and unverifiable statements, so you know...seems to fit.