
Doesn't it suck when you put your foot that firmly in your mouth? You realize the joke, right? You should probably eat crow and get it over with, if not you just look bitter.

Games? You mean game. Don't go giving people credit for things they haven't done. And DQ is a game in only the most nominal sense of the word, the same way a shitty choose your own adventure book is a game.

And you've got the same mentality as a lot of people, which is to say that you attribute intent to a group,

Of those people, only Anita believes in something, and her belief is more like that of a religious ideology, rather than anything based in reality, because it sure as shit isn't based on anything resembling facts.

Fun fact: the only people who take the actions of individuals to mean the actions of group are those that seek to disparage the group.

The question becomes, who wants that responsibility? Who wants to risk creating something, and then having their name dragged through the mud? Most likely no one. The internet is the goddamn Wild West as far as things like this are concerned. Most things of this nature can be boiled down to: whose ego does this

Oh, the community is fucked either way. It's just a polarized battlefield now. I'm just waiting to see which shitty fallout has the greatest effect.

Your case doesn't fly. The "good" have no onus of presenting their case, and indeed, even if they did, it would be largely ignored. To whit: in the grand scheme of things, for the gamer community, which would you say has a bigger, overall effect on the real world a) the gamers who created and support things like

Didn't you get the memo? Gamers don't exist anymore, they are a non-thing. All of this is just a figment of your imagination.

But for realsies, no, the vocal assholes don't control the public perception of Gamergate, for good or for ill, it is the people who are reporting on it who do...

See, this is the thing: humans

Does...does that slab of chiseled man-flesh have pi tattooed on his neck?

Someone is gettin' hella bent out of shape about a thumb nail drawing on a piece of concept art. If you clutch those pearls any harder, you are gonna be left with a handful of dust. DID YOU SEE SHE ALSO DID A CLOSE UP OF THE TIES OF THE DRESS! OH THE HUMANITY! MY POOR VIRGIN EYES!

I'm totally digging the game. I'm gettin' real tired of the moaning of, "Why can't everything be like it was through my nostalgia lenses?!"

Seems like an issue with you. Never had a problem with traps, because I was careful, and if you aren't careful, you pay the price. Being sloppy is a problem with the player, not the game, especially when there are multiple tutorials saying, "Hey, this is a thing, you should probably pay attention."

Also, I don't

Muslims are treated as an invading army that does bad things to the people they invade. One) that's not a monster and two) that's pretty much historical that the Ottoman Empire applied boot to throat whenever possible. Monstrous, maybe, but not monsters.

And, let's see, someone gets supernatural powers to save his

I agree with you. The Ottoman Empire was incredibly aggressive, so yeah, if you wanna look at it, they were the antagonists. And it really had little to do with the fact that they were Muslim, it had to do with the fact that they were a freakin' Empire and Empires try to expand.

Because people just so naturally get along? Oh, wait, they don't...

He probably feels hopeless. Cut him some slack, unless you happen to be perfect and immune to emotional distress.

I notice the difference in reaction to this and to when Wu got threatened...hmmm...makes me wonder...

Caring about social issues aren't making games better. If that were true, there'd be a SJW themed AAA title in the works right now that everyone would be raving about...but there's not, and the likelihood of there being one is is in the slim to none range. This is because social issues don't make for "good" games.

Jackie! Is that you?! #IMissTheDarkness

Wait, wait, you are telling me that if you wanted to make two different gender models, it would take time an effort to do so, not just a couple days work? Obviously you don't work for Naughty Dog, because apparently it's super easy and takes no effort! /sarcasm over AC: Unity