
Even that is a small number compared to the totality of wars. It's a common misconception.

You realize that only a small handful of wars were actually caused by religion, right? I mean, in the grand scheme of all the wars that humanity has had, we're talking less than half a dozen that were directly caused by religion. Even the Crusades weren't really CAUSED by religion, religion was merely the backdrop.

Thousands online rally to stop Gamergate; many thousands more don't care.

Thanks to all those out there that make the gaming hobby increasingly unbearable!

Wait, wait, let's all get outraged because there are no PoC! RAWR! LOOK, I'M THE INTERNET! Oh, man...MedievalPoC cracks me up.

There is so much irony in your post I had to get a tetanus shot.

If you have armor, yeah, it kinda is. Ideally you won't get hit, but in practical terms, you will. That's why a body dodge is generally combined with a block/parry, because the idea is that if you DO get hit, the damage is not as great.

I've killed so many orcs in this game, even Drizzt gave me a side-eye.

Well, the other big thing is that the attacks in games don't follow reality, so the defenses in games don't follow reality. I mean, small movements to dodge are great (watch good boxers slip punches, it's pretty amazing), but you aren't fighting one on one with swords or fists, you are fighting 30 foot tall fire

He's wearing the white costume he wore when he was working with the Future Foundation. Besides that, Doom is less of a bad guy than, say, Cyclops right now...

Bomb threats are laughably common. When I was in middle school, our school received a total of two during the years I was there. At a middle school. The thing about threats like that is that a) it's very easy to make them and to do so in a way that minimizes the risk of getting caught and b) it's incredibly

If you want to animate a CONVINCING female, then, yes, they do move that differently. If you want to half-ass it, then, you are correct. No, they don't. Feel free to half-ass away, person who apparently hasn't spent a lot of time actually watching humans move. Details matter, and you can say they don't, but they

Pretty much, yeah. I mean, Anita is doing her thing. Good for her. She's not correct in most things, and the things she is correct about, she's blowing out of proportion, and she's not looking at things within context. She's a face, a manipulator, and in five years she'll be a footnote in the history of gaming,

Oh? Are we doing character designs from CLAMP now?

I'm torn. I want this because it would match my 3DS exactly. On the other hand, this is the newer model, and I like the original...

A) No, his work is good, period, he has an amazingly distinct style that you can see a mile away, and having read/looked a lot of his work, he's not just good "for erotic comics" he's an fucking Eisner Award winning artist, and this is far from his best work. This, I would argue, could objectively be called some of

Oh, right, one more thing.

Still not sexist.

Sexualized? Oh, yes.

Sexy? If the quality weren't poor, it probably couldn't have been.

Sexist? Nope.

Also: It's Madam Web that's clairvoyant, not Spider-Woman. *sigh*

Point the first: The drawing is shitty for a number of reasons. Not the least of which is that her ass, much like the rest of her anatomy, is drawn poorly. Now, if you want to argue that Spidey's ass would do the same in that pose, we can (and perhaps, or we can go with the notion that for biological reasons women

Ah, sexist. The ultimate buzzword. It's really too bad that's a pretty common Spider-Pose and used by almost every incarnation of the various Spider-Folk. Hint: just because someone says it's sexist, doesn't mean that it is.

But, hey, just to make you feel better, here's Spider-Man in some sexist poses!

I don't think it's the tone that would make it acceptable to my taste, it's the content. There is so much weirdness in the gaming industry, and the sites that report it. I'm very much reminded of previous moral outrages, where examples are trotted out for show and say, "Look at this abomination!" Right now, I see