
At the time, it was far from funny! Basically, we ended up in his house that had a huge golem, and I guess the owner had made an animate, giant, humanoid calzone. So, of course, we attack it which results in molten marinara defense. Further, it had a some sort of mozzarella grapple. At the end, yes, most of the

But you're not there! You're getting drunk!

Judge me not by my CR.

I fought a CalzoneGolem once. I tell stories about it. Mostly because it killed 3/4 of the party because of molten hot marinara bukkake upon hit.

A lot of products are gender neutral, and then if the market research shows, "Hey, men don't buy very many bras," guess what they do? They stop marketing it to them. Weird how that works. Of course, there's a lot of cultural weirdness and perception that goes into it, but we are at a point now where rather than

A complete picture? That's easy. It's the medium of gaming and, presumably, how it impacts and how it is impacted by culture. As for the strategy of "stratgic reductionism for sake of focus and clarity," that can be, and Anita has proven it to be, a slippery slope. Where do you start cutting? Is it when there are

The you know what else the video wasn't explicitly about? Domestic violence. Do you see how you give allowance for one thing, but something that is a significant part of the same subject, you claim is derailing? You are absolutely right, she is talking about how women are represented in games, not about domestic

Okay, a bit of irony here. We agree that media can have an affect (which is complex and a huge thing, but whatever) on our perceptions. So, Anita is a media presence. When she says, things that are intentionally one-sided (like the absolute ignoring of domestic violence as an entire issue, instead of a gender

Well, considering her writing from school was the basis for her current work, it would seem to bear something with at least a passing relevance. Regardless, in that case Anita was looking at very explicit examples and then applying it to the overall concept of narrative and failing to do so. It has everything to do

I thought the funny thing was you trying to be clever or have a point. Oh well.


Really? You can do better than that. Call me a name again. You were so good at that! Made me really proud! are just adorable. Keep going. This is cute.

Capitalism isn't designed to include every group in every decision making process. Unless you think that I, as a male, should have a say in the decision making process of tampons. Or bras. Or any number of other things that are not targeted to me. I think you are confusing capitalism with some weird idealistic

And when she launches into things, such as...second video I where she immediately goes from video game violence against women to how there is an epidemic of domestic violence in real life? And even that she skews in such a way to say that it only affects one gender.

And the very things you say she's not analyzing, she

"Naughty bits." My, my...aren't we mature? Point made: I will be explicitly literal from now on when addressing people who might be a little...slow.

Her point is to frame her narrative in such a way is that the only conclusion is the one she presents. She leaves no room for thought or interpretation, instead she holds you hand through the presentation of what she believes to be an absolute truth, and that's why it's academically problematic. If she wanted to

I'm basing her understanding of narrative largely on her thesis paper that she wrote. Sadly, I think it's been removed from the internet, but I'm sure with digging, you can still find a copy somewhere.

Games use the vocabulary of the people who play. I mean, people seem to forget that years of market research is done

No, I am not an instigator. That is a failed assessment. I do not start things, but I see no reason to flee from a conflict.

I never claimed that my thought process was unique. It isn't particularly relevant to this conversation, unless the point was to analyze the way I structure my arguments. Moderately useful,

She makes some valid points, and then she tends to undercut them. For instance, in the Damsel in Distress trope, she keeps referring to the male protagonists role in the entire thing as a positive, which is not. It is, at it's heart, the idea of societal enslavement: a man only has value if he is useful. You are