
You don't really understand the concept of abstract, do you?

I don't particularly care if they are fighting words. I like fighting, so that suits me.

And, what would it matter if I did codify and arrange my thoughts like a list? When I write, I create an outline. Fairly standard practice. Helps keep things orderly. But, in this particular case, no, it just happened to come

Oh, you pulled the MRA card. Well, now I've been soundly defeated by your iron clad logic. But here, let me further explain: Anita's entire schtick is how women are poorly treated in video games, yes. She likes to point out, often by eye-rolling and mocking statements, that this is done by men. When people (those

Yeah, it really is. Robin's bare legs aren't going to make anyone gay, you don't go blind from masturbating, and listening to heavy metal doesn't mean you are a Satanist. People are silly about a lot of weird things. God...the Chic Tracts...ugh.

Scream loud enough and you are obviously right, huh?

First question: How am I fueling the outrage more than her?
Second question: Do you actual question the premise of anything she has stated and presented?
Third question: If yes, what was it? If no, then our conversation will be largely pointless and should probably stop.

Answer: Anita acts like the gaming industry owes

Entitlement to believee that her opinion is somehow more valid and carries more weight than anyone else's? Entitlement to believe that somehow, by dint of having a vagina, that she is above criticism. That somehow the video game industry owes her anything at all, or more accurately, owes any group anything? Just

Seduction of the Innocent. I mean, it's completely wrong, obviously, but this is the sort of weird moral outrage thing that changes the direction that stuff goes.

You mean where he basically says, "No, it's perfectly cool that she does this and it totally paints an absolutely legit picture that is no way biased?" Yeah, I got that. SSDD. Glossing over how that is academically problematic doesn't make it "okay." It doesn't make it any more valid, it doesn't make it have it

Best. Name. EVER.

I disagree with her vehemently, because she doesn't understand narrative, and she's demonstrated that many times, and many of the "tropes" she uses are far more multi-faceted than she even begins to admit to (The Damsel in Distress being the big one), and I feel she should be ignored because she's a terrible academic.

Well, there was that book that basically said, "Looking at comics makes young men gay," and given that, historically, violence against gay men has much much higher than any other LGBT group (about 60%) I would say, yeah, there's a strong aversion to it, even if it's not voiced.

Story follows premise set by the original game (in which Fetch was shown to be basically a tag along to her brother because it's basically every other word out of her piehole), reviewer acts surprised that WYSIWYG. I mean, seriously, Fetch is not a "strong" character (none of the 'helpful' characters are, actually)

Well, I'll be interested to see if the petulant pouting of a vocal minority has any effect on sales. If it does, I'll be impressed, but I'm willing to be dollars to donuts that it doesn't. Welcome to the free market!

It is thought out, though. The saying, "Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god," is pretty much how the thought process works.

If you want to evoke personal feelings, you destroy/remove something personal, something close, something

Actually, they are not advocating thought. If they were, there would be examples, possibilities, options. What is being said is, "This is bad, this is why I think that, and it should stop because I don't like it, " and that's where the discussion ends. No work, no effort, nothing creative. I mean, for fuck's sake,

Irony: "Sarkeesian's critique is a call for games to do better, to imagine better universes and experiences than what exists in the real world." Manages to completely blind to attempts to do that and is incapable of doing it herself. But, hey, let's keep supporting the scam artist! I can cherry pick examples to

Nice hyperbolic outrage, though. Definite A for effort. It's been proven, corroborated by her own conversations, that she did something, in this case fucking someone she shouldn't have (I'm assuming by the panicked tone of the writing). She did it willingly and of her own volition and there are consequences, social and possibly otherwise, to those choices. If

I'm a genuine petty misogynist? That's news. Really. I often find that when the first and most frequent word out of someone's mouth is misogynist, they really have nothing to offer, no opinion worth noting, and generally hope to prove their point via shaming the person into silence. Basically, you sound