
Was it passive aggressive? I was going for sarcastic. Maybe acerbic. Either way, it's my response to the arrogance of "allowing" me my opinion. It's just sort of asinine thing to say to someone. "By my largesse, you can state your thoughts in a public forum." When people say that, it rubs me the wrong way.

Well, you are very gracious to allow me my opinion. Thank you. I don't know what I would have done otherwise. If you are that worried that Zoe Quinn is somehow getting a bad rap, maybe she shouldn't put herself in position where that can happen. I mean, this literally happens all the time over complete

Oh, I don't care about Zoe Quinn. I think she's a foul little hypocrite who's in it for fame and saving her own ass, but that's largely irrelevant. Gawker isn't journalism. At it's worst, it's...whatever you want to call Jezebel, and at best...I09 because at least there is sometimes good things there.

Kotaku is an

Oh, well, that makes all the differences, doesn't it? Opinion pieces and, at best, yellow journalism do not a journalism make. Unless you you think, "Hearthstone Could've Looked Pretty Great on the Game Boy," counts...


I just thought she was annoying and not worth the time to care about, cheating hypocrite or no.

To answer your comments in a master post:

Define physically aggressive. I've been hit and slapped in the face for turning down (rudely, I admit) a drunken advances, but if you are asking if I've had a knife pulled on me for Does it count, however, that I was dating a woman, a very vocal and avowed feminist

The designs are pretty consistent. Almost every game had nurses (which makes sense, given the history of hospitalization that was pretty common among all the characters), but their appearance varies on who the influencing entity is.

There were other nurses in SH one, too. Same low-cut dresses, but with a...parasite on them. So, no, not just related to James.

Entitled gamers gettin' butthurt because they don't get all 31 flavors of ice cream at once? I'm so shocked.

Hey, look, Stephen Totilo takes an announcement about a game exclusive and makes it mysteriously relate to misogyny (apparently)! WHO IS SUPRISED?!

Yes, that's exactly what I said. /sarcasm

If the expectation wasn't there, the need to lie wouldn't exist. Chicken, egg, etc.

See again the entitlement. The need to brand things as "the best" is because the demand, however unreasonable, is for the best. See all the shit shooters get when they play at 30fps (The Order, for instance) or when they don't display at 1080p (such as this). Gamers feel the need to have these needs met, for no

Considering how many of your fellow gamers throw bitch fits when a game isn't up to their "standards" how it should play and look, I can't blame Sony. A company should be honest, but their consumers shouldn't be entitled little shits, either.

One More Day was...awful, stupid, and other bad adjectives besides, but Straczynski wrote it, which is fine, because he also wrote that that dumb The Other storyline, which was also bad. And I LIKE JMS! Like, a lot! Rising Stars is one of my favorite comics!

Batgirl, much like the rest of New 52 was pretty mediocre

And yeah, the problem with WiR still stands, made even more obvious by DMD, that, essentially, Gail created a standard in which she apparently believes that no bad thing should happen to a female character, ever (which pretty much describes the Batgirl series) and the reasoning seems to be limited to, "because