
The game itself was great, but take a look at the gangs vs Cole? Which of them was visually more appealing? I can appreciate subtlety, and there are games that do it well, but sometimes you need to amp up the visuals just a tiny bit to make your characters memorable, and Cole...wasn't. Delsin won't be. You know

I understand that InFamous is designed to be more "real world" which is fine in its own way, but there's only so much grounded in reality that I can take before it just banal as to not have an effect. When your main character's novel visual flair is that he's wearing a might be going for too

It'd be nice if there was something worth mentioning in the character design. But I guess boring and plain is better than nothing.

The issue was with the idea that they would essentially "waste" a Grey Knight as a Inquisitor, regardless of rank. The Inner Conclave, at least I thought, dealt with watching the watchers, as it were, which would be a given since the GK are all but immune to corruption by Chaos.

I am the hammer!
I am the hate!
I am the woe of daemonkind!

But seriously, not entirely sure what this is supposed to be.

The Grey Knights are one of the two "chapters" with any affiliation to the Inquisition, along with the Deathwatch, and even with that, they are not Inquisitors.

The armor looks pretty GK to me, and the

So what kind of interesting storyline? Or is it simply interesting by default because it involves a female? Because I'm pretty sure there are only 36 dramatic situations and everything else is just window dressing...

I was actually going to mention this as well. Just because something has been popularized with critics (especially the critics who were looking for things to be alarmist about) does not mean that it was popularized with the public at large, and you are making a dishonest statement that has no factual basis and it

I consider myself firmly equal rights, and firmly anti-feminists, and I'd tend to agree that her arguments are weak as hell whenever looking at things holistically, instead of just the context she puts them in. Like her thing about characters (in her case women) that are controlled somehow and you are forced to fight

Welcome to every argument Anita ever makes.

It's almost as if you are guilty of your own accusation...

Maybe DC should get some decent female characters? Or, you know, decent characters in general. DC has Batman, and that's it.

But, in order to appease you and ignore the JLA as it has existed, why not just make the entire team female? I mean, it's not like you apparently care about the JLA itself, you care more about

Didn't realize we using prognostication from Wikipedia as reliable information now. Maybe we should get some tea leaves and some chicken entrails, just to double check?

Edit: Also, this took a year, on multiple platforms, and a re-release/new version to achieve. Just, you know, pointing that small fact out.

If you make a statement, the onus of proof is on you. That's sorta how these things work. If you aren't gonna put in the legwork, don't make the claim. Or, at the very least, don't get upset when the claim gets mocked. I mean, Tomb Raider 2013? Your figures are wrong.…


So your ample examples are...two examples. Well, if your talent for writing is anything like your talent for using a thesaurus, I can see why people tell you that you are good.

I think you missed the point of what I was getting at for the sake of baiting an argument. Also, no offense intended, but saying that you are someone who has written for multiple types of media really means...nothing. I mean, just because you write doesn't mean you write well, and it doesn't mean you were

And this happens all the time in Japanese games, because there are a wider range of body types, but the West is very particular. Then again, in Japanese storytelling physical characteristics are often used as a shortcut of detailing someone's emotional/mental character (as is often seen in anime).

And we've had flat

If I were any more chill, I'd be pissing freon. I'm not the one who started this, remember?

Didn't I tell someone already if you are going to put something in my mouth, at least make it worth my fucking time? If you are going to quote me, at least make it a real quote, or shut up.

See, that derailing you were talking about? Point to me the effect Marat's death had. C'mon. I mean, that's your criteria

Oh, there are assassins alright. The name I mentioned? She's an assassin. A killer for a cause.

There are people who kill for ideology, something they claim to believe, some purpose. Hell, Elliot Rodgers is more of an assassin that Corday. Look up the very definition of assassin.

Corday disagreed with someone and

If I considered her an assassin, then I'd care. Lyudmila Pavlichenko is an assassin. Corday is a shitty murderer who has been romanticized by people in this argument for a completely trivial SINGLE KILLING that had no effect on the surround events. But, you know, like I said, if you want people who were actually