
Pathology teacher, oddly. Marat was a physician, and it was never confirmed what disease he had.

She murdered an invalid in the bath. She murdered one invalid in the bath because she disagreed with his political views. She wasn't paid. It wasn't for a cause. Oh, and the whole grossly incompetent thing in being executed a short time later thing. Again. FASCINATING.

I can see it now! Assassin's Creed: Cripple

I can name a dozen murderers. Do you want them to follow a specific criteria, or do you just want to romanticize something to grasp at the most hollow of points. I'll wait.

Well, if that's the complaint, then any number of games fail.

The most famous assassin of the French Revolution who killed exactly one person and was then executed, and the person she killed was, at most, mildly influential and did nothing to alter the course of the Revolution. In essence she killed him because she disagreed with his views. On top of that, the dude she killed

Shocking how I never said I hated entitlement. If you are gonna put something in my mouth, at least make it worth my fucking time.

Mmmhmm. Point still remains. It broke formula in a number of ways, it did poorly, what impetus does Ubi have to try again?

I personally would love a female assassin, but I don't get bit out of shape when it doesn't happen. They are making at least one AC game a fucking year. Can't people, I dunno, be just a little

Excuses are like assholes, my friend.

Do you think that's how Ubisoft sees it? Really? Or do you think they see how much money it made, how poorly it was received and go, "Nah, let's stick with what makes us money." Weird how companies are motivated by money and not by upset internet ragers, right?

But hey, I fully

Oh, remember when it got a HD remake and came out on consoles, too? Oops.

I know, fuckstain. That was my point. Every game that has a story has to decide who the protagonist will be if it's not create-a-player scenario. So unless you are saying that every game that chooses a male protagonist by excluding have a female one is sexist, your point if fucking retarded. And "women" aren't

Well, when E3 starts being mostly being about mobile gaming, then I'm sure you'll see a much bigger representation toward that demographic...

So, tell me, which game said, "Women are not allowed to play?" I don't remember that, and Patricia would have been have a seizure she was typing so hard if they did.

A large portion of the gaming community? Please, tell me about how much of the gaming community that is. I'm curious. Tell me how this outrage is going to cause Unity to tank. Please. Tell me how this anger you "feel" is going to manifest in something that might actually be actionable.

I'm not choosing to ignore

You do recall the very first game was set in the Middle East, yes?

And that the third game had a Native (well, half) protagonist, yes?

A reason you've decided is bullshit is what I assume you mean. That's fair. That's your opinion. But unless we see actual proof that there was some sort of mustache twirling conspiracy, then it is just an opinion. Proof before dishonor aka I like my facts like I like my systems of government: empirical.

No black characters in it, but you aren't upset about that. No bisexual characters, but you aren't upset about that. What, exactly, do you need to qualify for representation? Is there a particular percentage of the worlds population you need? A quota of some sort to meet? I just want to know so I can start

Three articles in one day over one game. Impressive. Kotaku should go into the dairy business, cuz they sure know how to milk something.

Not really. Think about it. Video games, or at least the narrative concept of video games, is only about...30 years old. That's a fantastically short amount of time for the strides made. It's still essentially a baby, even if it's a technologically advanced baby. In many ways, it still talks and thinks like baby.


Was Faith a pretty good character? I played about a level of Mirror's Edge and it didn't do anything for me, and she didn't seem particularly interesting. Then again, the standards for for "pretty good" are laughably low, but that really has no bearing in this particular conversation. I think the things that mark

Slapping tits on something was shorthand for taking a male base form and making minimal changes to make it female. As I said, if you are cool with that, all you have to do is have the male VAs speak in falsetto and and squint really hard, and bam, there you go, female character.