
Uh-huh, and according to physics, those two bodies interact with the rest of the world in completely different, but I'm sure Newton was just talking out his ass about that.

I don't have to seriously pause, but then again, been doing martial arts for years. It's intrinsic knowledge for me, and given that we exist in a

The positives were there, but they could have been improved, which was the entire point of that. For people who did notice, it was a disconnect, for some it was humorous, for others it was annoying.

Yes, the rigs were the same, the models were effectively the same. Unless you are trying to tell me that a 100 lb

AC: Multi game franchise spanning two console generations, costing millions of dollars to produce and promote, running on a predicted annual schedule, which requires an incredible number of man hours to create, and has a stupefying amount of oversight for every decision.

#IDARB: An indie game where character models are

It was a big deal for Mass Effect, actually. Noted MANY times about how FemShep has this weird, bow-legged strut because she moved like a large man. It was, at least to me, disconcerting. I'm not sure about Aliens:CM because pretty much everything was awful about that game, so...yeah. As for GoW, yes, everyone was

Oh, there are tons of women throughout history that are interesting killers. Lyudmila Pavlichenko is a favorite. And, you know, if you want badass ladies, you have people like Chiomara. That said, however, Liberation did not do well. Even the remake did not do well. I can understand why Ubisoft hesitant to pour

She killed one person. One politically motivated murder does not an assassin make.

Well, yes, not all women move differently than men, but on average? Yeah, they do. One of the big things my sifu always drilled into us was "fight like a girl" because women move their hips more naturally than men do, which is incredibly important for generating significant power. Rule of thumb: men move from the

The Wii U now has a total of 4 games I want...Bayonetta 2, Devil's Third, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and Hyrule Warriors. Hooray. Console was totally worth it!

The Outrage Train is remarkably silent.

Oh, loo

Didn't like the first game, but I'm glad the people want it are getting the sequel.

You are so bitter, it's adorable. I can just see the self-righteousness seething from you. But, hey, you gave me the best punchline possible: you. Thanks!

Oh, I thought there was going to be a punchline.

Your conceit and ego are truly astounding. You, as I've pointed out, have missed the point entirely in favor of your own bleating. Let me spell it out once more, plainly: her predilection for not talking to other women IN GENERAL is her PREFERNCE cultivated from her EXPERIENCES. So, maybe, just maybe, other women

It's not all women, obviously, I'm just stating a close example. Like, if I need to bounce a female perspective question off someone, ask the nearest women which is my wife or my girlfriend, both of which view themselves as "atypical." The vast majority of their friends, in both cases, are guys and of a very

You've extrapolated too far. As I stated, it is their preference to not speak with women. Sort of like my wife would prefer to have a hamburger to a ham sandwich. Most of her friends are dudes, but that's part of the culture she lives in and chooses to be a part of: she likes geeky "guy" things, so the people she

Not really. As I pointed out, no one dies from being shot. We don't consider that a reduction of the cause of death, even though it is, technically, not accurate. We can track a number of diseases that bear a very strong correlation, and probably in many cases, causation, directly to people who are obese.

To be fair, no dies from being shot, either.

As a writer, this is a problem I've encountered. I've asked my wife and female friends and the answer I usually get it is along the lines of, "I don't like talking to other women." This isn't to say they don't have female friends, but for the most part, they don't seem to engage them, not in the same way, say, I

Oh, I thought they meant diversity as in "has representation other than white and male." My bad. I thought maybe I should be included in that, but I guess not. Carry on, then.