
I agree with you about how it should be treated. I don't want less sexy, I want more sexy. The issue, then, becomes how to make things sexy for both men and women because, classically, the traits that define their sexiness is different for each gender, and if you make costumes that emphasize it can lead to some

I would wear that!

Actually, no.

The last sentence is...just nonsensical. What the ever loving fuck?

Well, the negative of it was the fact that you made a blatantly thematically ignorant statement. You called part of what is THEMATICALLY IMPORTANT ridiculous. Which is fine, that's great, but considering the views of how KlK is viewed based on its themes and the use of its visual and storytelling devices, you better

If you don't want people to comment on things you've said, especially when those things go against widely held opinions, then don't comment. I mean, that's really how it works. You can't hold yourself above the things you do, just because you apparently don't like the negative reception you get. Sorry, that's not

It's adorable when people say things and the subtext is really, "I can't see past my own preconceived notions and I refuse to change based on reality rather than my ideas."

Way to go to Kotaku, you managed to work sexism isn't an article concerning tips for playing a game. Tell me, does Jezebel even bother with the glove on the hand it has up your ass, or are you just so used to it by now it feels weird when skin isn't touching?

See, this would be a great concept for Changeling: The Dreaming as a video game, had it not gone all...well, World of Darkness. Then again, pen and paper RPGs excel at things like this, taking sort of niche concepts and making them into fun games.

Well, that's sort of the modern feminist movement for you. As I said, this was all manufactured outrage. The word rape, coming from a male, is blood in the water. It's not trolling, it's a concentrated attack based on something taken out of context.

I wasn't aware science needed to speak in absolutes? Is that a thing science does now? There is a correlation there, and if you want anecdotal evidence, talk to someone about their day. The things that tend to make the most impact out of negative, neutral, and positive stimuli are the negative stimuli.

Not really, science says that in older people that is true. In fact, the article shows that the memory of good things in more prevalent in old people, basically because of the looming spectre of death. Which really isn't the demographic we are dealing with here, is it?

See, here's the thing: most people don't. Seriously. Think about every person who has ever said or done something mean to you. Now think about the sheer number of people you pass on a daily basis that give zero fucks that you are even an entity. The problem is that, from an evolutionary standpoint, your brain is

No, the people who were offended by the dickwolves thing didn't understand humor or the questionable morality of games. But, because the word rape was included, they got something to get offended, because that's what the internet is for: porn and manufactured outrage over nothing.

A little bit of skullduggery, Luke? I, for one, am shocked. Nah, not really. It's Kotaku!

The ability to form tight bonds with others people and cooperate with others is something that comes far easier to women then men.

Because success can only be measured by Triple A games, didn't you know? I mean, look at the bitchfest about how women are represented in GTA V. Imagine if Trevor's character was female. How do you think people would have reacted to that? There would have been blood in the streets.

Yes, I didn't say anything about mores...that was specifically in reference to PL's views. As in, I'm not applying any sort of morality judgement to this, and in fact, the use of in this case was only loosely tangential at best, and only in regards the age of majority. Good try, though. Try to keep context in mind,

I've been with my wife for...13 year now? Maybe 14. Regardless. The entire time it's been an open relationship, and in that time we've had single other partners, I had a live in sub at one point, and we've mutually dated a few people as well, and that doesn't even delve into the fuck buddies thing. I currently