
I wasn't asked to do it anywhere else, was I? However, that is a pleasant strawman you built there. Shame it doesn't really mean anything. But here, let me further show that the concept of "children" is incorrect. Let's start with the fact all of them are over the average age of puberty. So, there's that.

And that is your opinion, and it is as equally valid and invalid as any other.

The things you consider to be not art merely speaks of your filter, not of the thing itself. It does not meet whatever epistemological threshold you've set, and that's how you are choosing to define something as art or not. Perfectly

Actually, I would say that the vast majority of things are art. It may require a slight tweak in perception, but that is often the difference between vulgarity and sophistication.

It is not arrogance, merely resignation. Point: the likelihood of my statements somehow swaying you to a different point of view is

It very much can. Examples abound. The question is: can you accept art without contemplating or seeking meaning? That is slightly rhetorical, I fear, given your stated views.

Oh, aye.

It can and does.

"L'art pour l'art."

Your statement that art must invite criticism is quaint, but untrue. Art can, and does, exist without critics or criticism. It does not need to stand or flee, it needs merely exist. The creator, upon creation, may decide that those are options that exist to them, but the art continues regardless.

Ah, opinion stated as fact. That never gets old.

There really isn't that much difference between successful marketing and a con. The key to a good con is the distraction. The distraction is what allows you to sell it because it takes the mind away from the thing it should be paying attention to.

I'm pretty sure that these articles are just generated by a random buzzword creator and then put on the site, because they all manage to sound remarkably the same.

You have exceptional taste!

Oh, god, I still remember how much I loved the first town's theme music in this game. The whole game was fantastic. And I still own it!

My wife named one of our daughters after her, so I totally approve of this message.

So, either you are trolling, or just woefully uninformed. You wanna spill which it is?

Personally I would have given all the haters the ol' double deuces and told 'em to fuck right the hell off. Instead, a vocal, annoying minority proves by throwing a big enough tantrum, they can get what they want (not that they are even sure what that is), like a proper spoiled child. I'm sure their masturbatory

Are you my mummy?

So is there ever going to be a point where Kotaku doesn't tie sex and negativity together? Gettin' real tired of your judgey bullshit.

Wow, I even directly tell you that you are going to rush out in defense, and what do you do? Rush out in defense. You are correct. You aren't a white knight, you are the White Knight. The quintessence. The ideal. There was no wishing. You just did it because you can't do anything else, you don't know how. I

Then I can be just like you and Anita!

So easy.