
Keep dancing, puppet!

Do you ever get tired of proving me right? No? Carry on.

Oh, I'm not bored, I'm just waiting for the next tantrum. I guess the game is finally over, huh? Ah well. I should have put forth more effort in the last one, but I guess even you aren't that gullible.

Go on.

The best part is that you just.don' If this could be harnessed, the energy crisis could be solved in mere moments. This is brilliant.

Keep worrying at that bone, little doggy. I already proved my point. You are just making it demonstrably obvious, and it's adorable.

How much is that doggy in the window? (Arf arf)
The one with the obvious fail?

Methinks thou doth protest too much, sirrah. But that's fine. Hold up your weak protestations, it's all gravy for me. I'm eating this up. You serve me so well I should hire you and put you in a French maid's oufit. When do I get the next

Thank you, poochy! I knew if I gave you another bone, you'd chase after it. One mention of Your Savior and you were off like a bolt! You really are my Polaris! Constant, unwavering, and predictable. I could make a mint off you, my little dancing dog. Thank you so much for proving to be exactly as advertised.

Well, since it all it takes to impress you is misrepresented data, a complete lack of integrity, and an inability to understand the difference between correlation and causation, so if I'm not impressing you I'm doing everything right! I was almost worried there for a moment!

You really didn't need to reply to tell me you had nothing further to say. I got that already. Thanks for the notice, though.

Still, I do like to point out fallacious bullshit, so here goes: I have, this entire time, been talking about mobile games. I went out of my way to make a specific call out about dedicated

I expect the interpretation of the words I said as they were stated? Radical idea, I know. If you want to give it additional context, that's on you. I was merely putting an opinion as to why, as a whole, mobile games are regarded as they are and it mostly has to do with the quality of the library, which is, deny it

Awww...widdle guy tryin'a hump my leg? Widdle guy lonely? That's so sad!

That's kind of the age old trap, isn't it? From a young age, I know the message that I got was, "Women are different, women are special!" It may be a generational thing, but the emphasis was "woman first, human second." To an extent, experience tended to back that up: boys wanted to rough house, girls wanted to

Then you need to look deeper. Seriously. Franklin's frantic and terribly misguided search of a way to establish his own identity, something outside of the environment that he's been brought up. Michael's a theme of legacy, of what gets left behind, and what the past means to the present and the future. Trevor,

It's cold and wet, but everything is pleasantly gray. Glad you are feeling better now. :)

Let it who is without guilt cast the first etc etc.

*sigh* Insults. You do your ilk proud.

Remember, it's easier to focus on the negative than the positive. Negative generates hits, positive does not.

Who's a good puppy? YOU'S A GOOD PUPPY! Shall I lay out some more snausages for you, little guy?

It is easier, I think, to create a set identity within a smaller group than a larger one. That is my issue with being more inclusive. The more there is, the more that noise to signal ratio jumps. By the mainstream, gamers will be trivial anyway, so it might as well be trivial with something worth while to talk