Jermaine Marshall

1. I'm a little miffed at how easily it seems Arya is getting played by littlefinger especially considering all her face/reading powers which she used on Sansa, and he supposedly super sleuthing abilities. I mean it's weird that a non assassin is out following/stalking an assassin who literally has face changing

Oh the reason why Clarke didn't wanna open the door was because she didn't wanna chance the grounders being so mad at them that they kill all or most of the Skaikru in anger, thus leaving no one capable of actually operating the bunker alive. Which given what we know about grounder propensity to shed blood, ask

At first I was a bit meh about the Catherine and Marjorie dynamic, but they've quickly become one of my favourite pairs.
I love especially how contrasted Marj is with Selina. Selina has this overly expressive visage that masks [very thinly] the fact that she doesn't really care much for anyone but herself. Marj on the

I thought midway into his contemplation of who savitar might be that they might actually make Savitar, Iris, through some timey wimey thing. Which would have been waaay better than the timey wimey thing they're gonna do to explain Barry as Savitar

I'm still holding out hope that Kady tricks Reynard into appearing and then kills him herself. Not as vengeance but rather cuz he seriously deserves it and is too big a liability to leave to Persephone, who might abandon him again if he gets too troublesome to deal with.

I agree with you so much it burns. Honestly TVD was great for its first 2 - 3 seasons, then the originals left and itslike they just didn't know what to do with themselves. I've been over Elena for years now, she's killed a shit ton of people to get her way, tried to kill Bonnie and her friends, and yet they still

One of my issues was that technically Seline's deal was still better because the twins aren't just Siphons, they can also easily become Heretics, at which point they are arguably the most powerful supernatural individuals. Vampire, Witches with the power to drain magic. They could take down an Original if they ever

Loved Panabakers Killer Frost this episode, that whole scene where she was threatening the man and talking about the hippocratic oath, was chilling

Calling the ship names from now

Very Important point to note
How in Amethyst reforming it looked for a moment like she was trying to turn into her bigger form [what she was 'supposed' to be] but then she snapped back to her normal small form.

Pearl's ballad though, like damn, so potent. Literally almost made me shed a few tears.

I would strongly disagree that Vanessa turning to the dark side was JUST the result of the three minute convo
Remember from season 1 we've seen her struggle with her darkness, and often times she's lost the battle.
The one thing that oft kept her tethered were her close ties to her friends, most notably Ethan who was

I am sick as hell of them taking away Bonnies magic, or making it so she can't use her magic or some other silliness like that. I mean sure as a character she's great but its through her magic that she is able to make an impact on the supernatural world around her, and constantly taking it away or weakening it, just

Hold up did you make that up?
cause if so that was bloody spot on

The contrast between Clarke, Octavia and Luna was beautiful, especially when Luna had to kill her Lover and you can almost see Clarkes mind flash back to Finn and how she had to kill him

I like, how Finn's apology about manipulating her in the past, seems to have been evoked by his recent experiences with his own incredibly manipulative father. And it really does show how the characters in AT continue to grow and evolve as they are introduced to new people and experiences

When Bonnie sealed the House 'No one's getting out' I was just like 'Damn right, they ain't Bon Bon' I swear Kat Graham gives me life

So I have enjoyed the first season, but my problem with the show so far stems from how the hook of the show is less the crime and more the Lucifer mythos and biblical background. and yet the show focuses more on the crime than the thing that's most interesting about the series. Hopefully season two will herald a shift

Bonnie's too good for all of them though, like the only person who would be good enough for Bonnie, is Bonnie

The 100 has been a phenomenal show for me for a number of reasons but one of the most stand out reasons is its female cast. And forgive me for being crass for a moment but' Dayuum those women know how to act', and the characters they are given to work with are so rich and full of life, vigor, internal strife and raw