Jermaine Marshall

Just noticing that flame princess, princess bubblegum, ice king and slime princess are the new four elementals.

This plot had so much potential but so far there is such a squanderance. Honestly I can't get behind their motivation for doing anything
I think they should have kept Kai alive, and maybe revealed that there were different branches of the Gemni coven and made it a thing where the Heretics were trying to satisfy a

When are you guys going to review the "Stakes" mini series?

What in the hell do they mean there will be no Morgan Le Fay? No Morgause? No Vivian
I mean with the exception of Mordred, they are the primary villains of the lore. Like seriously, Morgan is supposed to be the anti-thesis of Merlin and Camelot. So unless Morgan is the dark one I would be very

I found it so funny that it took so long for someone to go and find out what the hell Kira was saying.
Because honestly if I was Scott I would be more than just mildly worried I mean she is going around shouting out "I am the Messenger of Death" and trying to chop peoples heads off, it seems like something you'd

I Must say Steven was ON POINT this episode

………………so no mention of Kira?

"So you were never able to fuse?

Leland should have gone right after MadameGao
As she said "We shall not speak again"
She knew guys, she knew

A problem that arose in season 4 onwards with me and TVD was their logic.
Especially in relation to magic.
Initially everything was explained decently, but after a while stuff just stopped making sense.
My biggest qualms in relation to magic this episode is
1) The bloody Gemini coven:
What group thinks it's a good idea

Honestly this season made little sense
Most of all Oliver's attempt to save Malcolm.
They could have left him there to die, and then all their problems would have been solved but nooooo, Oliver had this weird notion that Thea would regret causing, not directly the death of the man, who murdered her father, half

The fight scenes with Oliver have lost any weight with me.
They've made him like the most powerful combatant in the series. (Against logic of course)
Furthermore, Merlyn as the new Ra's?
Oliver should ave just gotten Nyssa and everyone to just team up and kill him. He's killed practically one of each of their loved

In one of the reviews it was mentioned that currently there really aren't any characters in the series except Ra's that could put up a good fight against Oliver and honestly it's starting to affect my enjoyment of the show, In terms of it's damaging the action narrative
Because 1st off half the people Oliver can beat

That commentary on life at the end was so profound, and it alluded to the religious idea of hell, death and rejecting God

One of my major complaints about Glee was that they didn't do enough Abba.
Like seriously Abba has a song for all teen angst and they only used them thrice
So hearing the Winner takes it all. had me whooping around the house.
Also I have always loved Sue/Will duets.

This episode made me nauseous
Honestly there is no rubric.
Glee used to feel like a somewhat serious show
Now I can't take anything seriously
As heart moving as their performance was, speaking strictly from a competition view should it have really won?
Also I hate how Glee's message in relation to Vocal Adrenaline

Just an observation, I was rewatching the episode and at the end, notice how Pearl intermingles her arm with Garnet and leans on her
Seeing that Gems are genderless titles such as hetero and homo don't really apply to them though

So you agree with me that Vocal Adrenaline should win.
As for Sue, they have been playing jump rope with her character for so long, dangling her from good and evil and they finally got her to a comfortable inbetween space, just to make her crazy out of the blue again

I am honestly infuriated by what they have done with Sue's character. All flaws aside for the first 4 seasons she was portrayed somewhat as an anti heroine. Her primary concern was the success of her students and herself, she saw the arts as a distraction from the truly essential school activities, such as academia

Oddly enough this is the best episode of the new season for me. And that's because it focuses on the New New Directions
As in I have had 6 seasons worth of Kurt, Blaine, Rachael, Shue, Sue, Mercedes etc
And honestly I am hella bored with them
The introduction of the 3rd gen new directions was fairly decent, and they