
If you don’t see how this is relevant to tech and the future, then you’re the one who needs to go. Seriously, gtfo.

YEAH! I mean what does a presidential nominees stance on cyber security have ANYTHING to do with technology? I mean really! What kind of operation is this!?

This one pegs the bullshit meter to the max. I used to live in Texas and had an Impala. Sitting in traffic in 105 degree heat with dew points near 90 degrees had zero effect on how hot the engine ran. Police cars have upgraded cooling systems to help them deal with being used harder than civilian cars. They’re

Being free does not equate to immunity from criticism. 

useless wogs

I always wonder how much time people who think demanding refunds on their time is either funny or productive spend demanding refunds on their time.

Hi how’s it going. If I spend 15 minutes or so carefully explaining what’s wrong in your comment will you do me the favor of reading my explanation?

I am also also sure that any reality-based person would bother reading the article before they posted a comment about how the Northern Hemisphere has summer. Because that would just be a really silly thing to write a comment about.

I am also sure that any reality-based person would not use the comments section of this article to attempt to distract from the topic of the article, which is that Northern Hemisphere sea ice shows a multidecadal decrease in extent and thickness.

You do understand that in prior summers, not as much ice melted as it does now. You get that lots of areas where there is permafrost (which stands for “permanent frost”) is no longer perma?


Unlike this phone, the Galaxy Note 7 fights back.


BLM: “Some police are assholes.”

Lord, spare me from the tender liberal mercies of self indulgent writers who can’t get jobs as real journalists.

I just don’t understand his insults. Like, on twitter I see his promoted tweets about “crooked Hillary”. Crooked? Really? That’s your insult? And wacky? What century is this? I feel like I’m listening to the penguin insult people.

One of my ‘favorite’ things about Trump is his bizarre insistence that, despite being a public figure, people who haven’t met him personally have no basis to form an opinion. He said something similar about Mr. Khan.

Its good that you are ashamed to have defended these shysters, but no, there’s only one group of sucky people in this conflict: Digital Homicide.