Well then I bet I could text and drive because law as we know it has been made irrelevant by the invading alien hordes and, given that my time is nigh at an end, I might as well text and drive because I’ll be dead soon anyway
But what if I'm late for where I'm going?
But what if I really have to send a text?
For whatever it’s worth my cousin played for Blatt in Tel Aviv and couldn’t stand him and my cousin is not prone to not getting along with people
From left to right: Chris Martin, singer of Coldplay. Next is Dustin Diamond, famous TV person. Third is an extra from Michael Bay’s new Benghazi movie. The last is Dean Strang, famous defense attorney.
To wit, here’s Joe Walsh—failed Illinois politician and former congressman who successfully glommed onto the Tea Party after he couldn’t hack it as a moderate
You moron. +1
God dammit this is good +1
This article is all a part of the pro-Mexico conspiracy. Mexico is a land-locked country and accordingly has no navy. Therefore there is no Mexican Navy and there are no Mexican Navy commandos. I want to know what really happened here.
Howard is a “talented and widely respected athlete.”
hey i found the panda in the new one. tough tho.
I can't believe the reporter quoted the part where Manning called the guy the c-word under his breath!
“Lunchmeat zeppelin” is the best one so far
8 p.m. — Pop — Point Break
When he was asked to explain his tweet Peter Gammons looked at it and said “Oh I didn’t mean to tweet that, I must have sat on my phone! Whoops!”
Why, in my day, the before-Kobe days, the players would hoist an orange towards the goal. An actual orange! Should some youngster get hold of the terrible sphere and consume it the game would forthrightly end! On account of a child had ate the playing ball! But Kobe came in and said, “No, this is all wrong.”
Carly Fiorina watching the news on April 19, 1995: THIS LEFT WING EXTREMISM IS GETTING OUT OF CONTROL
Not exactly a shock given that breaking into your ex-wife’s house, stealing stuff, and turning down the thermostat are the Three True Felonies.
Like Michael Irvin! He may have stabbed a teammate in the neck with a pair of scissors, but he did it THE RIGHT WAY.