
Not really. is exclusive to Blizzard games, but is not immediately recognizable as a Blizzard service unless you already understand that’s thing. It’d be like if Apple Music was called RadSongz. Sure it has more flare, but it’s not really recognizable as an Apple product. It’s likely

Quite. Because you acquired one from an egg doesn’t negate its rarity. You my friend were lucky. It’s rarity constitutes its spawn rate. I’ve yet to get one from an egg and have never seen or heard of one spawning in the wild here in Atlanta.

This might be the only time I’ve ever disagreed with you, Kirk.

Power levelling tip: all data is processed server-side - force close the app and relaunch immediately once the evolution animation starts.

As a man, I have a great idea.
If women would like to be heard more in the workplace, when one woman makes a point, the other women in the room should reiterate the idea and credit the initial speaker.

Clearly articles like this enable idiots on the field. Clearly we all want to know what it’s like to charge the field.

The NFL seems like the kind of place that would have a bunch of non-practicing lawyers in its front offices who’d enjoy bickering over the language for this stuff, but they’re not getting the job done. I never thought I’d say this, but it might be time for them to call in a philosopher.

surfing big-ass waves seems pretty euphoric

Adnan fuckin’ did it.

So the guy can’t express his opinions while religious people can? As an atheist you should stop being so afraid to offend.

The royal blue blazer over an untucked, three buttons open at the top, white shirt, is a look that really needs to come back in fashion.

The trick to making yourself like any food you previously hated is to only (and repeatedly) expose yourself to it when you are completely fucking starving. It works!

It beats the hell out of lying.

The Straight Line Truthers have arrived.

There’s no respect any more for being straight and white in this country.

I say ban personal bikes.

Shit that was legitimately an awesome catch


Will it also automatically connect to my VPN or will I be on an unsecure connection?

i cri evrytiem