
Don't forget all the $$ that goes to licensing all those mobile patents!

I was thinking the same thing. Anyone else care to elaborate?

This MONTHS after.. but you are correct sir. Never knew that. I guess that's a good thing.. I already spent too much time playing Red Version as a kid..haha.

How about we shoot some major bombs at it in an attempt to push it further from their sun?! I'm sure Hollywood is already on it.

I'm pretty sure they were only easy to catch in the Yellow version. Within Red & Blue (I had Red) versions, it was impossible to get a Pikachu, so it forced you to trade for it.

Please tell me I wasn't the only one that thought "Pistol Shrimp" was the nickname for a Mob member and/or a rapper.

The Aussies have this down under too. I think they've had it for yearrrs now

So pop-up messaging? Handset SMS has been doing that since like 2.x. This is definitely less intrusive, but we'll see how it works overall. I'm sure the ROM community will borrow any intelligent designs.

I haven't been on Bing for quiet some time.. but am I the only one that noticed these redesigns are basically Bing with a Yahoo tint?

You talk like you have any more of an idea than any of us. "This shit has already been reported" You say that like everything that is reported is gospel. Clearly, after this you would realize that you shouldn't always believe what you read. Go kick rocks.

Umm he never talked to anyone over the phone. I don't understand how people cannot come to the conclusion that he lied. He said he talked to her over the phone at the hospital and hearing the nurse say that she would only breathe harder when he talked to her.. blah blah blah. So you think someone hired a girl, a fake

More like: Watch out, Vince. Manti Te'o has his on you.

I love how friendly Amazon is and how quick they are to help, just hoping this doesn't change that. Pretty scary stuff though. Thanks to the author for pointing this out. I never really mind putting my name out on the 'nets, but never thought the combo with my WhoIS could be used in this manner. Very crafty. Off to

Gotta spend $$ to make $$. I'm sure Android and AdSense were once considered a 'waste of money'.

"You know what is a bigger waste of money? having you on the payroll."

+1. Foreign text translations from photos anyone?!

Google Goggles is awesome! Have you ever been to a foreign country with no idea what anything is? Googles helps with that. It translates foreign text in a photo, back to english! People may not use it, but its definitely not a waste of time/money. The tech developed for Googles is sure to be repurposed down the line.

Who's really surprised? It's a first-gen product, so its going to suffer from those small pesky issues. Windows' strength lies in its vast software repository.. take that away, and you'll find glaring holes. The barren marketplace is basically which keeps me away from Windows Phone, and it'll be the same with this. I

I'm pretty sure that if you comb through any large corporation with thousands of stores.. and you'll find stories of corruption, internal shrinkage, etc.. I love how since this is Apple.. they're like held to a holy status. Or maybe because I worked at a Store for several years and I know what happens behind the

"I have zero intention of dancing around whatever the hell is going on with the Metro name."