Jere Pilapil

I think they give too much space between PPVs with too much TV time to build. Very, very very few wrestling events need 4 weeks' worth of 5 hours of content (that's 20 hours in between PPVs!) to tell their stories, so by the end of the cycle there's not much left to do but tread water. That plus the pressure to get

Best case scenario: the lights go out and he's in the ring with, like, demon subjects lighting torches and whatever.

Yeah. They tried to build it up but I think the extended building up made it a let down. It worked in the context of NXT because he'd only come out like that for big matches*, but it ruins it for him to show up RAW in full body paint to do nothing.

Oh, you're not curious at all to see if Orton's shoulder can hold up to a dozen German suplexes since that's the only move Lesnar cares to do before the F5 anymore?

Or just another pre-taped thing where Finn tells Seth that Seth's only calling him out because he's scared, and Finn wants Seth to stew in that fear for a week. Really, anything would have been an improvement over The Demon coming out to… not even dominate Rollins.

My problem with the Cesaro/Sheamus rematch is that it's almost definitely leading up to a Cesaro/Sheamus singles match at Summerslam (unless they make the US Title match a fatal 4-way, which would negate the whole "establishing dominance" thing)

I guess he was on Main Event, so he's not totally forgotten. He's just… not the type of face who would interrupt a wedding. Sigh.

I don't think he's turning. I think WWE just doesn't know how to write faces who aren't bullies.

THAT'S IT! I was trying to put my finger on why Lana's insistence that the audience was too poor to rent a beach for a wedding felt off. That feels so much more like something written for Miz/Maryse than Lana.

I think my problem is that Enzo hitting on Sasha is the basis for the feud but now that it's in motion, she's compartmentalized into the women's division. Not that I would want her to really be involved in this, but her agency is reduced by having Enzo going around saying he would've slept with her if not for Jericho.

To be fair to Enzo, he was tasked with opening the show with one of those WWE "Kill time and summarize last week" promos that nearly no one is great at doing.

@Deathmaster780:disqus Yeah. Total Divas cast members can acknowledge their relationships all they want on there, but they rarely come into play on WWE TV.

Yes, totally. She doesn't even have a consistent look: sometimes she's a glamorous model-type, sometimes she's wearing leftovers from her relationship with Dolph, sometimes she's in sexy businesswoman fetish wear. She used to be an integral part of Rusev's overall act, but now she's basically just his ring announcer

As much as Charlotte's reign made me tired of women's matches ending with interference, I don't think there's anything they can with with Eva Marie except have her be a mega heel whom more deserving wrestlers chase. I hope things get cartoonishly stacked in her favor on the road there.

Raw and SD both have this in common for now. Authority figures are around but unobtrusive. It's working well so far!

It was a long way to go for a pretty great dick joke, as far as PG programming dick jokes go.


The downside of splitting them from Styles seems to be that their personalities have receded (or at least the time they're given to show who their characters are), but yeah. SOMEONE has to take the tag titles off New Day eventually, and the tag division is robust overall but lacking in credible heel challengers.

Generally, I prefer to watch RAW in the 90-minute Hulu cut, but these last two weeks have made the time commitment way less painful. Not pain*less* (and I actually missed the first hour this week) but definitely more bearable.

If we get at least 3 weeks of Enzo/Cass/Owens/Jericho promos, the weeks leading up to Summerslam are going to be glorious*.