Does Hannity realize that vast majority of his viewers are seniors?
Does Hannity realize that vast majority of his viewers are seniors?
The only way to defeat the GOP in their policies and in 2018/2020 is to fight fire with fire. Not willing to get dirty is why us Dems have been losing since Obama's first term. And, will continue to lose if we follow normal order.
I wish more politicians were saying this and the party actually realized this and stopped with the failing status quo.
I have no doubt that this is Arpaio paying back Trump for pardoning him. This just adds another front to Trump's war to try to paint Obama as a criminal that actively thwarted GOP candidates.
My theory is that this is why the GOP put up with Trump's outlandish bull shit and why they let him walk all over them because he is the best smoke screen they could ever ask for and could have planned it any better if they tried.
Well, when someone nominates a person whose only science experience is failing a food science meat course in college, it is obvious that person wants the department to fail.
To be fair, he is running the department he forgot.
I can see where this is going: “If you want to qualify for any student loans, you are required to enter into a ‘work for free at [insert slave labor job at ______ billionaire donor’s corporation] in order to be qualified for a loan to your predetermined for profit and/or far right evangelical Christian college.”
You forget that Trump holds to the highest esteem is network news and is always projecting, so he cannot believe that anything on network news can be a mistake and must be an instance of calculated outrage trolling.
Plus, Trump has people like Kris kobach, Stephen Miller, and Jeff sessions as advisors — whose whole careers have been advocating for these brutal policies. They are the people making all the decisions for Trump. He is their puppet.
That’s the point. It is a satire about awful clickbait websites that have pointless articles.
In NJ, proof is a certificate from the organization that held the CLE that you were present and how many credits the course was worth. With online videos, it is an affidavit and the certificate. That said, if the video course was purchased under Kobach’s account and he signs an affidavit that it was him, there is no…
The Onion and Click Hole are no longer hyperbolic satire sites, they are becoming barely slight exaggerations of reality.
Remember just 3 years ago, far right cons were worried that Obama was transforming Walmarts into concentration camps? Now they are all for that.
Those are my third favorite M&Ms.
In NJ, they have word random prompts that you have to type in in order to prove that you are watching the video.
I don’t know if you have the option there in Kansas, but here in NJ a portion of our CLE credits can be done online. If you guys have that, I have no doubt he will have one of his Liberty University unpaid interns to watch the online video and answer the questions.
As an attorney, for Kobach to be ordered to have to take additional CLEs he must have done such an abysmal job it would have rose to the level that it may have constituted malpractice — which is a very high standard and requires a nearly impossible level of incompetence.
Because the more easily the lie can be quickly disproven, the more likely the average peson will believe the lie because they can’t believe that someone in power would lie about something that could be easily proven wrong.