
I hate to break it to you, but the supreme court says hate speech is not protected speech, bud.

They were just as useful for allied pilots or sailors as German ones, so were generally left alone and if forces from either side saw one that was occupied they would usually pick up the occupants no matter who they were, since a pilot who is a POW is just as much out of the fight as a dead one. No sailor or airman

It’s the same as sports games. Madden has been doing minor incremental updates for decades and still always is in the top 5, and you can bet that many if not most of the people who buy it don’t buy any of the other games in the top 10. The game itself doesn’t matter much in the long run for titles like these - the

It did result in a lot lower than expected sales - it was expected to be an absolute monster and did just OK. Well, that and the game itself which did not get as positive of a review reception as it could have. A lot of people skipped it at launch and will pick it up once it’s in the bargain bin Steam sales.

Well, on the bright side you won’t have to worry about Sony’s typical lack of support a year after launch on it, because it has almost no functionality to support to begin with!

Geforce Now works better than Stadia ever did. It is basically a remote PC that plays the games you already own on Steam, EA, GOG, Epic or Ubi, so no worries about having to buy your games again like on Stadia or Luna.

I understand that more is not better for everyone, but it’s good to understand that for a lot of people like the author here, 5e is simply not enough. Their opinion is complely valid, and for a lot of the world, 5e is simply the jumping off point to more complicated systems. The computer gaming world is filled with

Yes, you definitely misunderstood me, and why you would ever think a game system would be like that is completely beyond my comprehension. Why would anyone make a game system like that? What would make you think anyone would? Do you really think millions of people would play a game like that?

Pathfinder and 5e are both

It’s kinda hard to explain to someone who hasn’t looked into other systems. 5e has 14 base classes, PF2 has 23 (so far), PF1 had around 40. Each class in all of the systems has various archetypes that allow you to customize the base class to make it more your own by replacing a list of features. In 5e, there are 3-5

Don’t assume that. Millions of people play TTRPGs weekly, a study done shortly before the pandemic had upwards of 15 million people playing weekly - more people than watch Monday Night Football.

FWIW, you should really look at the PFRPG2 rules - what you have heard about them is wrong. They’re in many ways actually simpler than the 5e rules.

Ditto for “Games from Bethesda are predictably centered around playing the hero and saving the world”, as if there is suddenly a problem with the hero storyline that is central to pretty much every epic story ever told.

Heh, if you know anything at all about Japanese culture, you would never utter the words “get with the times” in relation to any company there. Japanese companies in general do things their own way, and don’t give a crap about what anyone else thinks about it.

What do you expect from a corporate culture that’s so

To be fair, in the real world, weapons break in combat all the time. The break rates of the weapons are one of the more realistic aspects of these kinds of games.

Anything short of a weapon made of quality steel made in a controlled forge environment with proper tools and by a skilled craftsman does indeed break pretty

The lowly SBSX with Game Pass is looking at the catalog for your PS5 and grinning knowingly. Better hardware with nothing to play on it isn’t much of an advantage.

I can’t wait to get one so it can collect dust next to the original PSVR and my Vita after they fail to put out any decent games for it after launch.

Bluetooth is probably for the controllers.

I agree with the annoyance of the trend for games to cover major story beats in media outside of games. If movies or TV shows did that people would just plain stop watching them.

At least give us a frikkin summary of what happened in the books to bring us up to speed at the start of the game, greedy publishers.

Let’s get a bunch of guys on in shirts cut just below the nip and see if it’s equitable then, since they are disallowing underboob as well.

I personally find that phrase far more offensive than underboob.